Lady May

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The Chase 

"I've seen my share of trouble, and I've held my weight in shame, but I'm baptized in your name, lovely Lady May." - Tyler Childers

🌊 🏔 🔥 🌪

"Are we there yet?" Toph groaned as she slumped against her bag.

"Yeah." Aang yawned, seeing a flat ledge in the mountains. "This is good enough."

Appa saw the spot his human was leading him to and landed with a heavy thud, flopping onto his side from his exhaustion and sending his riders tumbling out.

"Fuck!" Aelita whined as she rubbed her hip she was sure was bruised now. "Last time I get back from the spirit world sporting the latest bondage gear, this time I get thrown in the dirt, what gives?" She blinked and looked around as she took in the new surroundings. "What happened to our camp?"

"Welcome back." Sokka yawned, glancing at her just long enough to see she was alright before crawling along the ground with his sleeping bag in tow. "Forget about setting up camp. I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep." He yawned again and decided this one worked. Aelita was only more confused when he curled into a ball with his bedding as a pillow.

"That's good because Toph wasn't going to help anyway!" Katara huffed as pulled one of her spilled bags under her head. "Oh, hi Aelita."

"Oh, I didn't realize the baby still needed someone to tuck her in bed." Toph shot back, too tired to move at all. "Welcome back Hot Shot."

"It would be a lot nicer to be back if I knew what the hell was going on."

"Come on girls, knock it off." Aang scolded as he lie on his back. He tilted his head to look at his partner. "Katara and Toph are bonding, there's something after us that we don't even know who or what it is, and now we're all a little tense."

"Somethings after us?" Aelita asked. Mushu finally realized his human was back and happily curled into her lap and promptly fell asleep, Momo right behind him. "Missed you too guys."

"Some massive, metal thing," Sokka explained.

"That's helpful."

"Maybe a tank, maybe a train, maybe a fire-breathing dragon for all I care. All we know is it's found us everywhere we've gone so far."

"It could be Zuko." Katara pointed out. Toph could feel Aelita's heartbeat quicken from across the camp. "We haven't seen him since the North Pole."

"Who's Zuko?" The earthbender asked.

"Oh, just Aelita's angry, freaky ex-boyfriend with a ponytail that never learned how to take rejection very well." Sokka shrugged. "He's basically been stalking us around the world since Aang thawed out."

"He was never my boyfriend and what's wrong with ponytails, Ponytail?"

"Oh my bad, he's more like an ex-fiancé, and this is a warrior's wolf tail," Sokka argued, pointing to his hair.

"Well, it certainly tells the other warriors that you're fun and perky." His sister teased.

"I bet his instincts told him it was a good look." Aelita chimed.

"Need I remind you there was a point in time where you were and still possibly are attracted to me? You're really just insulting yourself."

"Wait, Hot Shot was into Ponytail? And she almost married a stalker? I'm not sure which is worse."

"We'll blame my attraction to toxic men on a mixture of my crippling post-traumatic stress and my blatantly obvious father issues."

"Are you calling me toxic?"

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