If I Die Young

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The Chase

"Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother, she'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors. Oh, and life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no ain't even gray but she buries her baby. The sharp knife of a short life. Well, I've had just enough time. If I die young, bury me in satin, lay me down on a bed of roses, sink me in the river at dawn. Send me away with the words of a love song." - The Band Perry

🌊 🏔 🔥 🌪

The sun had just begun to set when the group of now five decided to set up camp for the night. Aang landed Appa in a small clearing he spotted in the forest below and the original four set out on their normal routines. Toph climbed her way down the bison's tail and smiled.

"Hey! You guys picked a great campsite!" She said as she wiggled her toes. "The grass is so soft."

"That's not grass." Aelita chuckled as she continued to build their fire. Toph was standing in a pile of white fur. "Appa's shedding."

"Oh, gross!" Katara gagged as she tried her best to step around the excess hair.

Aang was perched in the saddle handing bags down to Sokka. A butterfly landed on the monk's shoulder. "That's not gross, it's just a part of spring!" He happily defended. Momo and Mushu looked at one another then both lunged at the butterfly, knocking the human onto his bottom. "You know, rebirth, flowers blooming and Appa gets a new coat."

"Oh yes." Katara brushed a tuft of hair off her arm. "The beauty of spring." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. She watched as the bison groomed his front leg until suddenly his own fur began to tickle his nose. Appa let out a large sneeze that sent loose hairs flying all over the waterbender. "Stop! Appa stop!" She flailed her arms around. "Ugh!"

"It's not that bad, Katara." Her brother said as he turned away from her and reached down. When he faced her again a mound of hair was piled on top of his head. "It makes a great wig!"

Aang jumped down to the ground with fur stuck to his chin. "And a great beard!" The boys laughed at one another.

Aelita popped up from the campfire. Bison hair was tucked down behind her ear like massive sideburns. "From here on I will only answer to Zhao the Conqueror!" She shook a fist in the air and the boys laughed even harder.

"I'm just glad we finally have another girl in the group, hopefully, one more lady-like than Aelita." Katara sighed as she brushed herself clean. "You three are disgusting."

Toph strolled in between the three giggling friends. "Excuse me, does anyone have a razor? Because I've got some hairy pits!" She lifted her arms to show large tufts of white hair tucked into her shirt sleeves. The eldest two fell to the ground as they cackled like a pack of hyena leopards. Aang laughed so hard he made himself sneeze from the fur tickling his nose. The force of it sent him crashing into Appa's leg, more hair flying everywhere. This was enough to bring a small giggle even to Katara.

Eventually, the team regained their composure and went on setting up the rest of their camp for the night. Sokka helped Aang set up the tents while Aelita tended to the animals. Katara sat near the fire as she stirred the stew she had made with her bending. She noticed Toph lounging lazily against a rock as she chewed a piece of straw between her teeth. Katara figured it would be best if she were the one to say something to her the newest member of the team.

"So Toph, usually when setting up camp, we try to divide up the work."

"Hey, don't worry about me." The earthbender shrugged casually. "I'm good to go."

"Well, actually what I'm trying to say is, some of us might fetch water, while someone else might set up the fire pit, or put up the tent." She gestured to the others as they worked. Mushu and Momo scurried over to her and laid a pile of nuts and berries at her feet. She smiled and reached down to rub both their heads. "Even Momo and Mushu do their fair share."

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