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The Avatar State Fin

Warning: This chapter contains depictions of graphic violence and bodily harm that may not be suitable for some. Reader discretion is advised.

"The secret side of me I never let you see, I keep it caged but I can't control it. So stay away from me, the beast is ugly. I feel the rage and I just can't hold it." - Skillet

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Today was the day Zuko had been waiting for three long years. As he stood atop the steps leading from the resort to the shore he stared at a pristine warship anchored along the docks. A small smile graced his lips while he hoisted his bag over his shoulders. Today Prince Zuko was going home.

"Wait!" A gruff voice called as he started down the steps. "Don't leave without me." Zuko turned and his happiness only grew when he saw his Uncle running after him, a bag of his own in his hands.

"Uncle, you've changed your mind." The boy grinned. He wouldn't have ever admitted it but he was hurt last night by his Uncle's skeptics.

"Family sticks together, right?" Iroh clapped his nephew on the shoulder with his free hand and a memory of his father doing the same thing when he was a child danced through the Prince's mind.

"We're finally going home," Zuko whispered as he looked at the ship once more, this moment still feeling so surreal. As he continued down the steps hope surged through his chest but his Uncle was the complete opposite. He wouldn't trust his brother if his life depended on it and today he feared that just might be the case.

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"The thing is, I don't think we'll ever be able to trigger it on purpose," Aang explained to Fong. Aelita and Sokka stood back letting their friend take the lead. Katara had been relieved when Aang told her and Sokka that he had decided to side with Aelita over the General but she still opted to stay behind and repack their belongings. Her brother had stood by their friends' decision like he promised he would, coming along for support knowing how uncomfortable Fong made Aelita. "So I guess that's it."

"Sure I can't change your mind?" Fong asked from behind his stone desk. He should've seen this coming, sadly the war was riding on the shoulders of children who just weren't ready to face their destiny yet. He still had one last idea to coax their true power out of them. Then he'd make them see.

"We're sure." Aelita moved to stand tall next to her partner. "We've learned we can only reach the spirit state when either ourselves or the people we care about are in genuine danger and by that point, our adrenaline has pushed us beyond control. I stand by what I've said before, it's not worth risking innocent people's lives or causing unnecessary casualties."

"I see." The General sighed, looking at his men along the edges of his office walls. "I was afraid you'd say that." Sliding his bare foot against the ground Fong pushed hard against the edge of his desk. The floor beneath the desk cracked and the entire solid mass of rock shot across the room and slammed into the Avatar and Akira. The two tried to brace themselves against the sudden attack to no avail, the desk pushing them back until it connected with the window behind them. The wall around it shattered into a large hole that sent them hurtling towards the ground several stories below.

"Aelita! Aang!" Sokka cried, thrashing against a pair of soldiers that had restrained him. Aelita was helpless to watch as the ground rapidly approached while they fell at a breakneck speed. With a terrified yell, Aang reached out and pulled his friend closer, bending the air beneath them with just yards to go, his quick thinking and the softened landing keeping them alive.

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