The Enemy

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Return to Omashu Finale 

"The fire you set, left ashes surrounding. The world that I knew, you left burning around me. Wait, wait, wait you'll see, you've been so damn naïve, you think you run the show but I have to disagree." - I Prevail

🌊 ⛰ 🔥 🌪

Aelita never once put her old friend's little brother down all night. She might not have slept much but Tom-Tom was still resting peacefully in the crook of her arm. It was almost time for the trade.

"You realize we're probably walking right into a trap." Sokka looked to Aang. As always he was skeptical of anything involving anyone from the Fire Nation other than Aelita.

"I don't think so. I'm sure the Governor wants his son back as much as we want Bumi." Aang watched as his partner wrapped a small blanket tightly around the sleeping boy. The child's innocence and the rising sun made him hopeful. "It's a new day. I have a good feeling about this."

Aelita was nowhere near as optimistic. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to go very wrong.

"I can't believe you're making me ride in one of these stupid palanquins with you while you left poor Ty Lee to walk along." Zetzu rolled his eyes at his sister crossed-legged beside him. "It's a miracle you ever had any friends growing up."

"Said the one who didn't have any friends growing up." Azula scoffed. Ty Lee walked alongside the men carrying the Prince and Princess through the streets of Omashu. Her eyes judged the buildings they passed, Earth Kingdom architecture was so dreadful. How Mai ever survived here she'd never understand. A faint smile graced her lips when she could see the outline of her stone-faced friend ahead.

Mai bowed as Azula stepped out of the palanquin and tried to hide her surprise when her childhood friend wasn't alone. "Please tell me you're here to kill me." She said in a bored tone. The two girls locked eyes and began to laugh.

"It's great to see you, Mai." Azula patted her friend's arm. When she stepped away Ty Lee happily flung herself into the arms of the Governors daughter.

"I thought you ran off and joined the circus." Mai raised a brow at Ty Lee but still hugged her back. "You said it was your calling.

"Well, Azula called a little louder." Ty Lee winked.

"You know Azula, she never takes no for an answer," Zetzu smirked as he pushed his way into his sister's circle of friends. The Prince bowed respectfully. "Hello, Mai."

"Well, I'll be." She made no effort to hide her stare locked in on the third eye mark. "Someone's all grown up now. Didn't know you were around Zetzu."

"Back and better than ever."

"Enough of your not so humble chit chat brother." Azula waved him off. "We have a mission and I need you both."

"Count me in," Mai responded easily. "Anything to get me out of this place."

"Prince, Princess." Ukano smiled a fake smile from the top steps to his new home. "We are so honored to have you here." He bowed. "Please Mai, bring our guests inside while I go tell the servants to put on some tea for us."

"Yeah yeah." Mai rolled her eyes at her father and motioned for the others to follow. "Come on, let's get this over with. There's a lot to tell you."

"I apologize." Ukano pleaded a short time later as he knelt before the Fire Lords' children, his wife, and daughter on either side of him. "You've come to Omashu at a difficult time. At noon we're making a trade with the Resistance to get Tom-Tom back."

"Yes, I'm so sorry to hear about your son." Azula lied from her spot on the Governor's throne. Her brother stood to her right. "But really, what did you expect by just letting all the citizens leave? Our father has trusted you with this city and you're making a mess of things." She always knew Mai's father was a halfwit but she never knew just how much of one he was. She glowered at him as she rose from the chair.

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