To Be Continued

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Thank you all so much for taking this journey with me as we leave the Earth Kingdom and set sail for the Fire Nation in the third and final installment of the Akira Series, Book Three: Forged in Fire.

Thank you for your kind words, your time and your dedication to the series as it's now going on two years. I remember coming back from a fairly long hiatus after working towards bettering my mental health, and debating if Book One had even been worth finishing in the first place but as we approach the end of our stories, I'm so happy I did.

Thank you for being patient with me as my writing has evolved and I've found the style that I love, not the one I thought I needed to produce. Thank you to the ones that stuck it out when that said writing was less than stellar and dare I admit damn cringy, especially when Aelita started solely in first person narration and painfully Mary Sue-ish. Thank you to those of you that have kindly pointed out errors, mistakes or contradictions and offered constructive criticisms because, without them, growth as an author is impossible. Interacting with you all has been the biggest blessing and I cannot express my gratitude enough.

Regarding my plans for the future, this series will remain my main focus until its closing. Following that, I have yet to decide if I'll jump right into my series following the Legend of Korra and her Akira or if I'll take a break from the Avatarverse to explore other avenues. Head over to my page and click the follow button to stay in the loop for any and all future endeavors.

Book Three: Forged in Fire can now be found on my profile with the preview chapter and disclaimer currently live. Be sure to add the book to your library to keep up to date with each new chapter posted. In the meantime, leave your final thoughts and considerations below as we journey into the Fire Nation.

I'd love to hear your best and worst moments from Book Two and the series thus far, see where you stand with what characters, what relationships and friendships are your favorite and see your predictions for Book Three.

Thanks again friends!

🌊 🔥 🌪

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