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"Death or exile, you decide." - I Prevail

Three Years Ago

🌊 🔥 🌪

Fire was an element that either commanded respect or consumed fear. 

But Aelita Kenshin wasn't an average person and in regard to flame, she drifted along somewhere in the middle. After all, when a firebender watches their father die by the very element, it leaves room for a child to grow up conflicted. Fire gave life, and fire took it back. Respect or fear. When serving the royal family the best option was to keep them guessing where she stood.

"Tell me Li-Li," the newly thirteen Princess Azula smiled while Aelita brushed her hair. "How long has it been since you've had the pleasure of watching an Agni Kai?"

"Just shy of a year Princess." She said flatly, her hands steady as she continued her task. Spirits she hated that awful nickname but being only a few months older she had been dealing with Azula for long enough to know how to play her games by now. She had to learn how to survive quickly; be respectful but show no fear. The sooner she finished up with the Princess the sooner Zuko could save her from his family, just like he did time and again.

"Oh, that's right! When my father killed your father." Azula watched Aelita from the mirror of her ornate vanity. The Princess was disappointed when she didn't miss a beat in her movements, setting the brush down and quickly fashioning her hair into a top knot.

"Yes, Princess." Aelita nodded and reached for the golden pins she needed to secure Azula's brown hair. Where was Zuko? The war meeting should be over by now.

"Well then, today's your lucky day." Azula chuckled. "You can even be front row with me, I'm sure Zu-Zu would be just heartbroken if you weren't there to watch him." She watched the color drain from Aelita's face. Bingo.

"What do you mean?" Aelita asked the two girls eyes locked together through the mirror. They couldn't be more different.

"Oh, you haven't heard yet?" The Princess feigned innocence. "Zuko spoke out in the war room today. You know how the Fire Lord is about disrespect."

"Who's the challenger?" That was what mattered. While Azula was the prodigy of the family that far outshone her brothers, Zuko was still skilled by many standards. Depending on who his challenger was he very well could stand a chance in the duel.

"Dad of course," Azula smirked. "After all, it is his war room. We're done here, maybe if you're quick you'll have time to say goodbye."

Aelita's heart was in her throat as she bowed to the Princess and headed out the door. How could he have been so reckless? Dammit after what happened to her father and his brother Zuko should've known better. She had to find him, she needed to see him with her own eyes. Bursting through her best friend's door without knocking the level of panic only rose when she found he was already gone. This was bad, this was very bad. He would die if he had to face his father.

Today Aelita feared fire.

🌊 ⛰ 🔥 🌪

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