Let Me Be Sad

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The Serpent's Pass

"Can you see it in my eyes I've been distant? Cause I can't tell if it's the end or the beginning, I know I haven't been myself I'll admit it and I put up walls so if I burned any bridges just know I'm doing everything I can to try and fix it but knowing me I'll probably miss it. These voices get so vicious, feels like I'm rippin' stitches, I wish some days I could go back before life changed, it was so fast, that time is gone and I know that so please. Let me be sad, even for a little while, just a chance to catch my breath. Let me be sad, even for a little while 'cause it's all that I have left. When all I see are the memories, I don't want to lose a thing. Let me be sad, let me be sad." - I Prevail


If Sokka continued to hover over Suki's shoulder like an anxious mother hen for one more minute she would lose her damn mind.

"Suki, you shouldn't sleep there. Who knows how stable this ledge is, it could give away at any moment!"

There it was. She pinched the bridge of her nose as he snatched her bed roll up from the place she had originally laid it, looking around for a spot he deemed safe enough. This was of course after he wouldn't take no for an answer when he offered to cut her all food himself, insisting he didn't want her to accidentally cut a finger off or choke on too big of a bite.

"Sokka, I'm fine." She insisted. "Please stop worrying!"

"You're right, you're right, you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself." Sokka sighed, setting the bed roll down and lifting his hands in surrender. "Wait!" He shrieked when she moved to lie down, stopping her in her tracks with a bewildered look on the girl's face. "Oh, never mind, I thought I saw a spider, but, you're fine."

"Spirits sake. That's it." Suki sidestepped the boy and picked up an extra bowl of food sitting near the fire - dished up, but not cut because Sokka knew the person it was meant for would only roll her eyes if he did - and headed towards the slope that concealed the camp from the western side of the lake. "I'm going to keep Aelita company."

Suki had never seen Sokka move so fast. He skidded to a stop in front of her and held his arms out to keep her from moving past him.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea."

"Why's that?"


"Because you're afraid we'll talk about you or whatever's going on between you two?"

He was surprised when she cut him off. "How'd you know?"

"I have eyes, Sokka," Suki said through a bittersweet smile. "I see the way you look at her."


It was almost sad how easy it had become for Zuko to steal. Almost. As he sank his teeth into the first bite of real food he had eaten in weeks, he quickly pushed the thought aside.

The night couldn't have gone any smoother, and Jet was riding on the familiar high. Longshot served as their ears and Smellerbee their eyes, the archer keeping to the shadows of the lower deck and the girl staying a few paces from the boys as they dodged the ship's guards. This stranger seemed all too comfortable with stealth and efficiency, something Jet had no doubt had kept him alive thus far. He picked the lock to the small captain's kitchen before the former Freedom Fighter had a chance to draw his swords. The two quickly grabbed anything they could from the overflowing room, carrying smoked meats and freshly baked bread on their blades. When Bee called out it was time to go
Longshot gave them their getaway in the form of a well-placed arrow with a thin wire attached to its end, just enough for three to slide down like a zip line and disappear into the shadows below with their stolen goods.

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