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The Serpent's Pass

"Cut up into pieces, looking for a reason, who's gonna be there to make me whole? I can't stop the bleeding, looking for a meaning, throw me a line and bring me back home." - I Prevail


Well, this certainly was one way to jog a person's memory. As realization washed over him it almost felt as if Sokka was back on the shores of Kyoshi Island saying goodbye to Suki this very same way. That day seemed almost a lifetime ago after all that had happened between then and now, but he couldn't deny how happy he was to see and feel she was here and she was okay.

"Holy shit, Suki!" Sokka grinned from ear to ear when the Kyoshi warrior pulled away. Suddenly he was painfully aware of the fact that they weren't alone. "Holy shit, Suki." He shrugged out of her hold and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh, hi...what are you doing here exactly?"

"I'll explain later, let's find somewhere more private to talk. It's so good to see you!" She smiled as she chalked the awkward tension up to the fact that they hadn't seen one another in so long. She brushed past Sokka to wrap her arms around Katara and Aang. "You guys too! I've missed you all!"

"It's great to see you too, Suki!" Katara returned the embrace. The two fell back into comfortable conversation within minutes, walking off arm in arm with Aang just a step behind, leaving the other three to watch in uncomfortable silence.

"So who's the bimbo?"

"Toph!" Sokka hissed. "She's not a bimbo! She's the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors and she's an old friend of ours."

"Yeah, you looked real friendly to me."

"Leave him alone Toph." Aelita tried to put an end to the conversation she has no desire to be a part of. Back in the treetops near a now broken dam, Sokka had told Aelita all about Suki. Back then things had been so different between them. Their friendship was so new and fresh, and there had been zero hesitation to discuss old flings and relationships. That was before things got complicated, and Aelita hated to admit just how uncomfortable she felt now. Is this how he felt when she was with Zuko? If so, then spirits she really was starting to not like herself anymore. "Come on, we should follow them." She said as she walked off after the others. She'd be okay, she could do this.

As long as she didn't have to watch another display like that again she'd be just fine.

A short while later the group sat in a more secluded area of the ferry station, away from the hustle and bustle of the real world for a chance to catch up. Long gone was Suki's normal white and red face paint or her traditional armored kimono. Her skin was bare and her shoulder-length auburn hair was pulled back. Naturally pink lips framed a beautiful smile, and her curious eyes seemed to exist somewhere between green and blue. The plain white and green guards uniform still managed to showcase her athletic build, muscles strong from years of training. As she sat down on top of a handrail Aelita couldn't deny she was beautiful.

"I'm sorry if I came across as rude not introducing myself earlier," Suki said to the two other girls. The younger one was completely new to her, but she remembered the other one. That girl had been with Prince Zuko and when he burnt through Kyoshi. This was the different one. Tales spread quickly the next day of the girl in Fire Nation armor that saved the village's school teacher Mama Donya and her son. After the Avatar left the island the fisherman and traders brought back tales of this girl. This was the Akira. "I was just so excited to see some familiar faces. I'm Suki."

"Yeah, we saw just how excited you were to - ow!" Toph rubbed her arm where Aelita had elbowed her. "Okay, okay. Toph Beifong, nice to meet you."

"We've sort of met before." Aelita chuckled as she remembered that day. "Sorry about that. Aelita Kenshin."

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