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A/N: Wow, guys! 148 views. You're acc spoiling me ngl.

Possibly disturbing scenes. Read at you're own risk.

~Unknown POV~

He slams his fists down on the table, making me jump no matter how many times he's done it.
"He's not allowed to feel love! Remember?! Or do I have to make you remember?!" My boss yells, from the other side of the room, scaring me slightly.
"I remember, sir," I say, not wanting to anger him any more than he already is.


We, quietly but quickly, broke into his house. The door, slowly but loudly, creaking open. We crept through the hall; up the stairs.

We reached the bedroom.To figures we're sleeping soundly together, in bed.
We tiptoed up to the bed. We pulled our masks over our faces. My boss pulled out his knife. I pulled out my gun.
"Is it time, sir?" I whispered. He looked over at me. He placed his knife by his neck.
"It is, Lay. Get your gun into place."
I nodded. I moved closer to him to one of the two sleeping men. I place my gun to the side of his head.
"Are you ready, Lay?"
I nodded, hesitating slightly before replying verbally.
"I am, Baekhyun. I'm ready."

I hate this part. Dear Lord, please forgive me for what I'm about to do. Amen.

He placed the knife on the boys neck.
He started to stir. He pressed harder.
One eye opened for a split second. The closed right after.
He stirred a little more.
"Joonie? Is that you," he grumbled. No reply came.
"Joonie?" He tried to sit up, but not before wincing and lying back down.

He moved his hand to touch his neck. Baekhyun pinned his hand back down. His eyes snapping open, fear lingering behind the strong hold. He looked at me and back at my boss before looking back at me. Boos didn't like this too much.
"Stay still, luv. And this will be a lot quicker and less painful... for you," he growled the last part.
The boy whimpered in submission and stayed still.

The other male was now starting to wake up. He rolled over and pulled the boy into his embrace.
I heard my boss growl, not liking the scene in front of him.

Knowing that he didn't like what he as seeing, I pulled the male away from the smaller.
His eyes snapped open; wide. He pushed me off. He sat up and looked over to the boy beside him, reaching to pull the knife away.

I ran back over, pulling him away.
He shoved me- with a lot of force. I flew backwards, my head now pounding.

~Yoongi's POV~

Namjoon pushed the man the was holding him down. He went across the room and collided with the wall. His head started to bleed and his movements stopped.
I felt the knife dig further into the skin of my neck, making me whimper once more.

I don't remember much about what happened. I must have blacked out or something. But I will tell you what I do remember:

Joon grabbed the knife, pulling it away from my neck. With his bare hand, he grabbed the blade of the knife; he snapped it in half.
Blood was dripping down his hand.

I pulled my hand to my neck, where the blade had been. There was some blood. Not too much, but it was still enough to make me worry.

I, also, remember Namjoon throwing a punch at the other guy.
But, that was the last thing I remember about the night, what happened after is unknown to me.


"Joonie~ Please, tell me what's going on. I just want to understand~ I won't tell anyone~ I promise~"
He sighed in defeat, "Okay. But, as long as you don't ask questions about it... Let's just say I didn't have a great past..."

"Okay! I promise!"

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