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"You left the hob on...? Really?" I gave a judgemental look. He played with the hair on his neck while chuckling softly.

"...maybe?" He said, very unsure of himself, a question mark spewing out of his mouth as he spoke. Blush creeping up his neck as he said his next words.
"I got a bit distracted. About something to do with you, actually..."

I'd never seen him so shy before. He's always been this open, outgoing, friendly type; when I saw him like this I couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable. However, there was another issue at hand.

"I distracted you? How exactly?" I quietly queried. But this took a turn when I decided to play cheek.
"Was it because I'm just too pretty? Am I just too hot for you to handle? Aww, baby you should've said~ I could've come and helped you~ come hehe. I bet that's what you wanted to do hehe."

His face reddened further; he nodded slightly, turning away from me out of embarrassment. I was slightly shocked, not exactly expecting the answer - even though I asked.

"Wasn't quite expecting it, honestly..." I mumbled. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist - resting a hand on my stomach, "You could still help me if you wanted to, love."

"Love? Huh, that's a new one. I like it," I whispered in his ear gently, stroking his hair with the back of my hand while moving away from his grip. "But I think I'll pass, I just started to get comfy," one eye closed as a wink; I turned to walk back to the living room, swaying my hips seductively as I did so. Feeling his eyes on my I turned to him and blew a kiss before continuing to walk away, disappearing down the hall.

~time skip~

I felt a dip appear next to me but I was too tired to open my eyes just yet. Warm, soft hands were then gently placed onto my cold, bare thighs. Slowly, they started rubbing them up and down as kisses were planted onto my clothed belly. Soft giggles were released from my mouth as I enjoyed what was going on, knowing it was Joonie's way of apologising for the mess he made previously.

He chuckles as he leans up and places a soft kiss on my cheek.
"Your majesty, it's time to wake up~ Your royal bath won't stay warm forever," he soothed as he slid an arm behind my back and neck, lifting my gently making me lay on his chest. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and mumbled, "Carry me my prince. I'm too tired to walk."

He silently agreed and carried me the entire way, sitting me down on the counter in the bathroom. As gentle music played, I started to come to my senses. The smell of lilac and lavender candles had me open my eyes and take a look around. The plank had snacks and drinks on it, while the sink side and windowsill had prettily coloured candles sat on it - happily burning away and releasing a calming scent.

"Everything's still warm, my love. Would you like some help getting everything off?" He asked standing in front of me, rubbing my shoulders soothingly. I nodded gently, letting out a quiet "please".

He instantly went to work, sliding my hoodie above my head. Before he went to help me out my joggers, he ran his hands down my torso and gave my tummy a quick rub and kiss.
While he helped by lowering me into the bath, I started to tear up - my emotions being all over the place. "What's up, sweets? Talk to me."
"I just- I just can't believe that this... this is all for me, I... I just... I dunno," I mumbled, cheeks wetting, arms reaching out for a hug.

He gladly accepted, getting down on his knees and wrapping his arms around my shaking frame. "Of course it's all for you, baby love. I love you, you deserve all this and more. Okay? Enjoy yourself, yeah? It's okay," he soothed, calming me from my meltdown.

I focused on the smells around me, beautiful... lavender. I've always loved lavender...
I focused on the feeling around me, beautiful... water. I've always loved warm bubble baths...
I focused on the tastes around me, beautiful... pretzels. I've always loved the saltiness of pretzels...

I take a deep breath before turning back to my beautiful boyfriend. I lean in for a kiss and he meets me half way, allowing our lips to link together in a dance of their own. Enjoying the mix of tastes.

Sweetness... from his raspberry chapstick
Bitterness... from the mint in his toothpaste
Roughness... from the sudden gaze of his teeth
Smoothness... from the gentle strokes of his tongue

Nothings felt so good in such a long time.

"We'll I'm glad you think so, love," he whispered as he pulled away. Red creeping up my cheeks, I didn't realise I said that aloud...

"Enjoy yourself, my love. I'll be in the bedroom if you need me okay? Or if you run out of snacks," he reassured heading to the door, leaving it slightly open for me.
I nodded and submerged the rest of my body, allowing my senses to be free and feel what they wish - keeping one hand out so I can eat and drink.

A/N: omg... long time no see my kiddos. How y'all been..? Hope you enjoyed this in placement of me being in active for 4 months 😬

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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