Not little!

546 10 3

Some shaking in my arm woke me up.
Why do I have to wake up now?

"Wakey, wakey, sweatheart~" I heard echo through the room. Sleep slowly leaving my mind.
Oh, Joon~ Don't wake me up~

"Come on, little one. It's time to wake up now," he called me in a sing song tone. He placed major emphasis on the pet name.

I couldn't muster many words but I managed to get out a grumbly, "Shut up."

A loud chuckle rang through my ears as an equally loud voice boomed, "Guess my little baby bear isn't to little today, huh?"

I nodded sleepily as I pulled my stranded blanket back, rolling onto my side.

"Mm mmm. Not sleepy time, wakey time, baby," he soothed, pulling my blanket off of me again.

Irritated, I groaned out a loud, "Shut up, already!"

He nodded as he laughed, finally giving me some peace.

I stumbled out of bed, wiping the sleepy dust out of my eyes. Once my vision was restored to me, I made my way to the bathroom and ran the shower. I made sure it was warm before stepping in.

I tipped my head back, letting the water run through my hair, enjoying the warmth it was emitting.

I, eventually, washed my hair and body, not liking the gross feeling.

I stood there for a few more minutes before tuning the water off and climbing out, wrapping a towel around my waist.

I headed back to out bedroom realising the sudden cold. I hurried over to the wardrobe and picked out some clothes I wanted to wear.
I picked some skinny black jeans with a black, leather belt, as the waist was too big. I took out two shirts, both of which were big on me. One of the two was a stripped t-shirt - the lines were horizontal and was black and white in colour.

The other was a plain black t-shirt. It had a slight shade of great throughout as it had been over washed and was rather old.

I stood, contemplating which shirt to wear. Minuted passed as I still hadn't made a decision. I finally decided it was time to consult a second opinion.


I nodded, looking back down at the two shirts that lay out on the bed.

"Show me what they look like when your wearing them," he said, trailing his eyes over the floor. That's when it hit me.
Oh, shit! I haven't got a shirt on!

"Oh, uh, yeah, right," I stammered, rushing to put a shirt on. I had the stripped one on and I sorted it I to bow I liked to wear it, showing him as I finished.
After he looked over me a few times, he asked to see the other one. I obliged and put on the black shirt.

He scanned over my outfit once more and answered me with 'stripped shirt'. He said I looked cuter in the stripped top.

I cha get my clothes back on I how it was before. Finally having gotten dressed, I put some socks on and headed down to the kitchen.

I made my way towards the cupboard and took some cereal out and poured it into a bowl. I trudged over to the fridge and got out some milk, carrying it back to the counter. I poured in the milk and grabbed a spoon to start eating.

As I went to grab a few oranges, Namjoon came down the stars, hair wet and face fresh.

I swallowed hard, enjoying the way he looked a little too much.
When moving my eyes away, I realised I'd dropped all my oranges onto the floor. I bent down, picking them up and dusting them off.

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