Sorry.... Sorry!

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A/N: That's what he was wearing^^^

Namjoon rushed to my side, rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me. I started laughing, hoping to cover over my embarrassment.

MY GOD! Just laugh. Then he won't realise I was surprised... Right?

"Are you alright?" He asked, as i had my breath given back to me.
"Yeah, haha... I think- I think I'll be alright, haha," I laughed airily, trying my best to sound as realistic as can be possible with my acting abilities.
He nodded, slowly going back to his seat, relieving me of my worries. Well... most of them.

Once I finished eating the food I had brought from home, I excused myself to the bathroom- promising to return shortly.

I didn't actually need to use the bathroom equipment, I went in an attempt to calm myself down.

Come on, Min Yoongi! Control yourself! It's just a simple crush and it'll go away, soon!
I threw a frustrated punch at the misty bathroom mirror. It shattered into many pieces, scattering across the floor and countertop.
I felt nothing but the anger I was trying to be rid of. It slowly dripped out of my body as my senses calmed and I regained a steady thought system, once more.

I lifted my hand to review the damage I was in. I found my hand bleeding out excessively, making my head feel light all of a sudden. Realising what I had inflicted upon myself, the pain started to awaken and soon became unbearable.
I sat on the floor, pain taking over my newly registered senses . I fell lower- now lying on the floor- I curled up into a ball, thinking it would help the pain, and started to cry to try and let out all the emotions I was bottling up.

A few minutes passed when I heard the footsteps of someone come into the bathroom- obviously male.
"Yoongi?" Called a deep voice laced with worry. It was Namjoon, unmistakably.
"Shit! Yoongi, what happened?!" He ran straight over to me as he saw the mess I was in. He dropped to his knees and started to panic, I don't think he was trying to hide it.
"Okay, umm, I'm gonna take you to the nurses office. I'll stay with you for as long as I can, okay? If you get sent home please tell me. Here, my number," he said, pulling out a pen and scribbled it on a clean piece ripped toilet roll. Before picking me up and carrying me to the nurses office, he slid his number into the pocket of my jeans.


"It's only a minor fracture," the nurse explained, "Although, it may take a while to get all the glass out of his hand. Would you like to stay with him while I remove it all?"
He looked at me for allowance, which I obviously agreed to. He nodded his head and sat beside me, holding my good hand while I got the glass removed. Well, he wasn't exactly holding my hand, it was more like I was squeezing his in pain.

I had tears brimming my eyes, as pain took over- some tears had fallen. They rolled down my cheeks as I sat there in too much pain to realise. But, what I did realise was Namjoon bringing his hand to wipe the tears away.
"You're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise.," he whispered, leaning his head on mine, kissing my cheek gently.

Despite the distraction of pain, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks leaving a pink stain on them.
"You can go back home or you can stay at school, that's your choice. But, either way,  be careful because it will be delicate and easily breakable for the next few days," the nurse explained, interrupting our moment.
I nodded, getting up from sitting on the bed in the nurses room. However, Namjoon stopped me tracks, "I'm taking you home. You can't even do work, there isn't any reason for you being at school."

I knew that if I'd tried to stay I would have ended up being taken home anyway. So, I decided not to argue the point and go with him willingly.

I nodded and walked out to the main office with him, so we could sign out. We explained to the lady in the office that I was told to go home after injuring my hand, and that Namjoon was taking me home as there were no busses going that way at the time.


~Namjoon's POV~

When we stopped driving, Yoongi was sleeping peacefully. He had his head rested on the window, his knees tucked up to his chest- feet on the chair- with his arms drooped around them. I wouldn't normally let people put their feet on the chair but, as he looked so freaking adorable, I let it slide. But not before taking a quick picture of him for memories sake.

Once I was out the car and at Yoongi's side, I picked him up as slowly and steadily as I could, to make sure I wouldn't wake him up. Making sure he was secure in my arms and I wouldn't drop him, I started the small freckles I had to my house.

What if he doesn't want to stay with you? What if he gets scared? He'll run away and never see you again. No, Namjoon pull yourself together. It'll be fine!

I took him upstairs and lay him on my bed, carefully taking his shoes and beanie off. I sat him back up slowly and leant him against my chest so I could take his coat, jacket and jumper off. As I lay him back down, I pulled the covers over him, not wanting him to get cold. I brushed his hair off his forehead and left, leaving a kiss before doing so.

I went downstairs and decided to send a text to the boys as I didn't have much else to do.

<Nerd central>

Tallest man ever
Hey, guys! Don't wait for
me after school, because
I won't be there for you to
wait for!!

Ooh 😯
Why not Joono?????

Obsessed With Looks
Huff, he's picking his
baby over us. Again!!

Tallest man ever
Well, I am with him but,
no, that's not why. He's
fractured his hand so I
was told to take him back
home so I took him to my
place so I could take care
of him.
Duh 🙄

How the heck did
he do that???? 😟

Obsessed With Looks
What the hell did
you do Joon??? 😟

Tallest man ever
I didn't do anything to
him. And, he punched the
bathroom mirror. And,
no, I don't know why.

Yeah yeah. Sure
hyung, you definitely
didn't make him do it

Obsessed With Looks
You better take good
care of him hyung!!
We don't need you
getting hurt too.

Tallest Man Ever
Of course, I will! I
wouldn't ever hurt him. You
guys should know that.

-End of chat-

Being done with my friends antic, I decided to make dinner for the both of us. I decided on making bolgogi, since I knew he liked meat, and it was something I had been craving for quite the while.

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