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Long black fabric hanging from my shoulders, a black cap a little too loose on my head. Waves of heat and panic coursing through my body, getting worse with every step I took. The door coming closer and closer to me, despite it feeling so far.

It's really happening. This is going to happen right now. In front of everyone. My friends, my family, my boyfriend, my classmates, my teachers, other students parents, the lot.
It's okay Yoongi, just stay calm. It'll go by as quick as it came! Wait, no, it came slow...
It'll go by faster than it came! Yeah, that sounds better.
Deep breath. In... Out...
And again. In... Out...
Okay, I'm ready for this.

I step out the large double sized, ceiling high, musky brown doors onto the wide, theatre worthy stage. I walk up to the lady standing in the centre of the stage - who's holding a rolled certificate with a pretty red bow on it.

She reached her hand out and I take it with shaky hands.
Now smile and bow. Then it'll be over. You can get off the stage, go back to Namjoon, head home and relax.

"It was nice having you as a student, Min Yoongi," The lady smiled, handing me the roll of paper she had been holding the entirety of this time.

I bow once more, taking this as my sign that i was getting off the stage and out of the majorly nerve racking and blinding spotlight.
As I finally get out of the scary possibility of embarrassment, I half run, half walk my way over to Namjoon - only having looked up when hearing Yoongi's name get called.

"The next person we are here to congratulate and wish well, was are best - and longest ever - head boy. Let's all welcome Park Jimin!" The lady announced, clapping loudly as she looked to the doors.

Everyone in the audience also started clapping to encourage him out, a lot of whooping was included.

The blond boy walked out onto the stage, a slight bounce in his step, smile plastered to his face, red cheeks puffing out cutely.

When he reached the centre of the stage, he stopped to bow politely - he always was overly polite.


"Yoongi, I think that's enough drinks for now," a tall brunette tried taking my drink out of my hand.
How dare this tall, handsome bitch try and take my drink from me! He will pay for that..!

"Who are y-you to take m-my drink fwom mwee~" I unintentionally slurred and hiccuped, the man's laugh echoes around the room. As the room was spinning, I started to feel a little lightheaded and dizzy.

"Are you okay? Yoongs?" Blurry brunette asked, voice fading in and out.
"Hah... Chu cawn c-call me thas!" I started to stumble around, knees giving out a few times.
"Yoongi, come on, that's enough. Let's get you home now," he tried to hold my hand.
I smacked him away, "D-don tush me~ Y-You bwown blobby, f-fuzzy fing!"

"You're drunk, Yoongi. You need to stop drinking, listen to me, and let's go home," the blob of brown called back to me in a very stern voice.
Shivers ran down my spine as I started to enjoy the way he was speaking to me.

"That wash pwetty s-sexy, blobby," I giggled, almost falling to the floor.
The 'brown blobby', that is actually known to be Namjoon, caught me before I were to hit the alcohol covered floor.

I squeeze at his biceps and giggle, "Chu hab stwong awms too, hehe!"

"You wanna know why I've got strong arms, little one?" he asks, making me to blush at the pet name.
"Yeshhhh, peaseee~" I slurred, giggling to myself after.

He chuckled at my drunken state and continued while hauling me onto his waist, "It's so I can carry mischievous little boys like you."

I burst out into a fit of giggles, throwing myself backwards. Fortunately, Namjoon really was that strong, so there wasn't a chance I'd  end up on the floor any time soon.

I soon stopped frolicking around, when I realised we were leaving without saying goodbye to anyone. I whined at the realisation and stated kicking around to try and get joon to go back to the others. He didn't quite understand this notion so stopped to ask my what was up.

"Wan say buh byes!" I shouted in his ears.

"Okay sweets. But, only to Jiminie and Hobi, okay? We don't want everyone to know i've got a little boy, do we?" he explained.
"Nuh uh! We don wan dem knows!" I giggled back.

After we made our way back through the mess of drunk teenagers, we finally found Jimin and Hobi sitting in the corner. Jimin was sat upon Hoseok's seemingly comfortable lap. Lips intwined. Making out...

"Umm, baby... Jiminie and Hobi look like they're a bit busy... How about we message them for when they get home yeah?" He asked, preoccupied with blocking them from my vision.

I whined in protest wanting to see my friends and say my farewells to them, "B-Bu!! Dada! Pweaseeee can we say bu byesss, pwease?"

"Baby, listen, Hobi and Jiminie are having special time right now. Time with each other. We shouldn't disturb their special time, okay?" He tired to reason.

Giving up on fighting as sleep caught my mind, I yawned and accepted it, "Otay, dada... lesh go howme..."
I lay my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes, trying to remember how exactly we got to this point in the evening... I mean morning...

A/N: I know this isn't the longest, so apologies in that part. But I'm also aware that I haven't posted in what feels like years 😭 I'm sorry for just leaving without notice I've kinda lost energy for most things considering how badly I've been struggling with the heat. But I'm trying to work my way back into making this a part of my daily life again. The best way to remind me to write is probably spam me with notifications so if you'd like to comment or whatnot please do that would be rather helpful. Thank you guys.

Sorry for the mini rant... byeeee

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