Moving In

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A/N: 1.61k views!? Omo OmO OmO! THANK YOU SO DAMN MUCH!

"You know, no matter what happens, you can always come back, Yoongi," Miss Park said as she hugged me and said her goodbyes.
I nodded before waving to them both and getting into Namjoon's car.
He took my bags and placed them into the boot before climbing into the drivers seat, turning on the engine.

I waved out the window to Minnie and Miss Park as Joonie drove off, taking us home. I watched out the window as we passed all the distinct places and areas.
Meaning it didn't take me too long to realise we were not going home. At least, not taking the same rout home.

"Wait, Joonie, where are we going?" I asked, slightly nervous but quickly relieved.

"There was traffic the way we usually go. They're doing something to the road," he explained.
I nodded making an understanding 'ahh'.
"But... I was hoping that... after we drop your stuff off, we could... maybe... go shopping or something. But you don't have too! If you don't want..."

I was thrilled! I loved shopping, when I was able to go, that is. I wouldn't go that often as I didn't have much money. If I did, it was usually because Hoseok and Jimin took me for my birthday or something. I loved it when they did that for me, I'd be overjoyed every time. Especially since I didn't really celebrate my birthday before.


My mouth dropped at the amount of things I could buy.
"Really? Two hundred pounds! For me!" I squealed, not believing my ears.
He chuckled slightly, "Yes. Just for you. Now let's go and use that money!"

I squealed once more, grabbing his hand and walking off in a quick pace. The first shop we saw was mainly black and white clothes. But, despite the nagging of Namjoon to go to a more colourful one, I protested and pulled him into the shop with me.

We found one corner of the store where it was hoodies and joggers. Honestly, I just wanted plain ones. I found them really comfy for when we're on a no-school kinda day. For lazy days, just hanging around the house, or chilling on the sofa.

Once we'd finished with the buying of plain clothes we decided to get some clothes for when I'm in little space. Meaning, more colourful clothes.
But, for this I had to show him to a secret place. It was in a place people didn't really know about as it wasn't really accepted to be a little, these days. People always thought you were disgusting or a form of the devil or something like that.

As soon as we walked into the first shop I felt like I was being pulled into my little space. Without warning I slipped, walking around the store and looking at all the hoodies, dungarees, trousers and socks.
Quickly rushing over to a certain aisle when I spotted baby blue dungarees with white clouds on, squealing in love with the said pair. I grabbed them and ran to Namjoon with them.

"Look! Look, daddy! Look at these! They are cute and-and they have-have cute little clouds on them! And-and they are baby blue! I really, really, really love baby blue!" I yelled at him, a gummy smile plastered to my face as my smiling eyes burned into his.

No response came and my smile started to fall. Eyes dropping and tears forming. A small pout formed on my lips as I slowly asked, "Do you not like them, daddy? Should I go put them back? I'll go put them back..."

As I turned to leave and put them back, a hand grasped my hand gently making me look up at the hands owner to see Namjoon looking at me with a soft expression.
"I'm sorry, I didn't reply, baby. I'm still getting used to everything... And these... really are cute, aren't they!" He pointed to the dungarees in my hand, with a small smile on his face, making mine form again and show him where they were so we could get the right size.

We found many more things such as: White dungarees with cute sunshine's on them; Pink, blue, grey and yellow oversized jumpers and hoodies; Straight blue jeans; White and blue shorts; pink, white, blue and grey knee socks; Blue ankle socks with ducks on, white ankle socks with sunshine's on, pink ankle socks with blue cotton candy on.

When we were about to pay for all the clothes listed, we saw the shoe section. After my excitement of being able to pick out my own shoes and clothes, I let Joonie decide some as he understood what went with what.

In the end, we went out with the listed items with the extras of yellow wellies with green frogs on, blue wellies with yellow ducks on, baby blue trainers and cute pastel pink sandales.

After dropping all those things off in the car, we checked how much money we had left. We had a rough eighty pounds left.
(This is terribly inaccurate)

Deciding to go to the store next to the one we recently left. This store, however, was not for clothes. It was for toys.

Once we finally got home, we had all the said clothes and shoes with some stuffies, building blocks, colouring books and more. After the long trip in the car, I'd come out of little space. This meant I'd forgotten most of the stuff that had happened and the stuff we'd bought and done.

When we took the bags out of the car, I was quite surprised to see what I'd decided to buy but, then again, it's not too surprising as I was in little space. I can't deny that I was excited to go through all the things I'd bought when I wasn't in a younger mindset.

A/N: I know this one was short but I hope it was okay!

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