Kitty Walk

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A/N: pretend his overalls don't go past his knees... it makes the chapter work...


"You look so beautiful in this one," Namjoon explained. Again! Despite the continuous compliment, I was happy and giggled with shyness.

"Fank 'uo, dada!" I squealed, running to hug him. I had skipped younger than usual, that day. I was super gullible and silly. I don't question anything and I giggle at the simplest of things. It was nice to be in such a young mindset.

"Mowe ones, dada! Wan do mowe ones!" I shouted excitedly. He winced slightly but it went unnoticed by me, at the time. He nodded before replying with a simple 'yes'.
"But no more shouting, okay, little one," he said in more of a questioned tone.

An "otay," slipped from my lips as I ran back upstairs, dragging my 'dada' behind me. He helped organise another set of clothes to make an outfit. He left the room while I changed into the clothes, not wanting him to see what I looked like in them just yet.

I opened the door slightly peeking through the small gap if made, making sure Namjoon had gone back to the living room.
I stepped out, giggling to myself as I thought I looked even cuter in the outfit. Slipping down the hall, I tripped and fell onto my hands and knees. Pain took over as my knees scrapped the floor. Lips quivering, shallow breaths, glossy eyes. Tears limped down my cheeks as I scampered to my feet, now running down the hall. I threw myself into my carers arms, sobbing into his chest while hugging my wound- thinking it would lessen my pain.

He was immediately on the job: checking where I was hurt, what I hit it on, how much it hurt, if it was bleeding.
He placed me on the sofa and left for a first aid kit. Upon leaving, my cries heavied and the tears upped their pace.
He returned, quickly pulling me into his lap.
Luckily, I was in a Denham play suit so it was easy for him to get to me knee. He pulled out some alcohol wipes and told me he was going to clean my knee. I was wincing before the wipe was even placed on the open wound. Because if the early felt pain, the real pain was nth times worse. A high pitched scream was released as the wipe finally made contact with the blood lost knee. Wipe retracted, scream silenced, blood stopped.

"It'll only be a few seconds, little one," he soothed, resting my head against his chest. He stroked my hair as the two made contact again. I buried my face into the crook of his neck to muffle anymore sounds that came my way.

The pain, however, was very quickly over and done with. He pulled the wipe away, pulling out some plasters and tried to put one on me. I started squirming around wanting a princess plaster not a boring plain one that grown ups use. I wanted a fun one, a colourful one, a cute one.

Namjoon sighed, trying to hold me still, "Yoonie, sweetie, sit still. I need to put a plaster on you, so you done hurt it more."

I furrows my brows and crossed my arms, trying to look tough as I told him, "No!", once more.

"What do you want then, Yoonie?" He asked, using his stern daddy voice.
I pouted and mumbled, "a princess one."

He chuckled a bit and shook his head gently. I got confused at this, not understanding why he was laughing.

Wanting to understand. I asked, "Why you waughin', dada?"

He laughed a little more before answering my question.
"You're just so cute and make my head feel warm and the way I can react..." I couldn't process what he was saying because he was talking to quickly.
"And could you repeat what you said, I couldn't quite hear you?"

I nodded a little, giggling as he finally slowed down.
"I want a princess one!" I shouted at him, taking advantage of being louder.
The shocked expression that graced his features made me erupt into a giggle fit.

Once he'd snapped out of his daze, he gave me a shirt and unwanted lecture on why we shouldn't shout at people. Although I listened to what he said, I didn't particularly care about what he was saying to me. Anyhow, I nodded along.

He proceeded to try and put the player on my blood pricking knee. I push his arm away, again asking for a princess plaster, again shouting.

Not wanting to anger me further, he gave me a compromise. I finally let him put the plaster on my with the promise of buying princess plastered and to see if there are any others I wanted.
Obviously, he didn't mean that very second but that's how I was thinking. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him to the door and tried opening it. Unfortunately, I wasn't successful.


"Ben and Holly plasters or Peppa pig plasters, not both."


"Then no princess plasters!"


"Ben and Holly or Peppa Pig. Or no princesses."


"Would you rather have none!?"

"...nuh uh."

"Then stop shouting and pick one."


"No... Not both."


"No! Ben and Holly or Peppa Pig?"

"Ben an' 'Olly..."

"That wasn't so hard now, was it, hmm!"

"Wan' both..."

"I know, sweetie. But sometimes we can't just have everything we want. Sometimes we have to say no to things."

"Otay, da-"

"It's 'hyung' remember."

"... otay, hyungie."

"Come in, let's pay and go home."

"Da-... Hyungie~."

"Yeah, baby?"

"'Oonie hung'y."

"Okay, let's go get some food, too, yeah?"

"Yuh huh."

"Alright, let's go."

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