Just One Day

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Trigger Warning ⚠
Mentions of su*cide, and very sad themes.

In which Jeongguk is suicidal and a stranger might just be the ray of sunshine he's been missing.

Standing one step away from death, one step away from happiness, Jeongguk had a smile on his face.

Standing on the ledge of the bridge, Jeongguk felt the cold air of the starry night touch him and vanish. The sky was so dark, as dark as jeongguk's hair, and even darker than his life.

"you're just one step away jeon, one step and you'll be free" the dark haired boy, leisurely and with no care in the world walked on the ledge, smiling to himself. Looking down, the sound of the waves and river rushing was somewhat calming, as if assuring him, that giving himself to the river would end it all.

He felt, no he knew, getting rid of his melancholic life, his pain, his monsters, his misery and the darkness was to submit to it. Submit to all the monsters and let the darkness engulf him, take his hurting away.

"Make it hurt less, please" another just of air hit him, shivers running down his spine. Looking at his feet again and then at the water body beneath, he put his one feet out.

It will be fine Jeon. He had now opened his arms wide, as if allowing the darkness to take him away from the pain, as if inviting the calm, his calm with open arms.

In the midst of all this, he had not noticed a boy who had just arrived, whose eyes widened in the fear of watching someone give up.

"Excuse me, mister" the very soft voice of the boy spoke, trying not to scare the dark haired male standing on the ledge.

Jeongguk ignored it. He pretended he never heard anything.

The boy who was watching the other standing on the ledge took quiet steps forward, extending his arm.

"Please don't do this" the boy spoke in a breathy voice, his voice almost inaudible but the night was peaceful, Jeongguk had heard him.

"Why not?" Jeongguk turned around, coming face to face with a blonde head whose voice had something in it, something that made Jeongguk turn around, something that made jeongguk think about what he was about to do.

"I don't want you to, please mister, get off of their, please" the blonde begged, his voice breathy but strained.

Jeongguk knew this boy would not be able to change his decision, so for the sake of it, he climbed back up, slowly pushing his body and with the help of the blonde who had the tightest grip on his sweatshirt like he was too afraid to let go. But why? Why did he want to help Jeongguk when all people have done is push him away?

Landing safely on the ground, the dark haired boy looked at the blonde, who had tears in his eyes.

"Now what, why'd you stop me?"

"Why did you try to do it?"

"I was not trying, i was about to do it. I will do it once you leave me alone. And you're nobody to me so don't ask why"

"I won't" the determination in the blonde's voice was so strong, too believable.

"you won't be able to do anything just leave me the fuck alone" Jeongguk harshly tugged the blonde's hand away from his sweatshirt.

"i said i will not leave"


"BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN THERE AND I HAVE TIRED TO DO THAT AT THE EXACT SAME PLACE AND IT HURTS, so don't" the blonde's voice broke towards the end but he never let his tears drop.

"spend one day with me, I'll give you reasons to be happy, to live" the blonde persuasively said looking straight into the ravenette's eyes, and for the first time realised how beautiful the man in front of him was.

"we're strangers why'd i listen to you" the ravenette scoffed about to turn back.

"please, just one day" the blonde flashed him his biggest bambi eyes he could muster and a full blown box smile, exactly in contrast with his previous feelings. He just wanted to save the ravenette from the pain he had been through.

"Just one day" the ravenette agreed, something about that smile and those warm eyes which held galaxies in them made him agree even before he'd known. The blonde grinned even wider.

"Just one day."


Maybe a part two if i can write it.

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