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I walked through the bustling halls of the building my biology class was held in. I kept repeatedly checking my phone to see if she had texted me back or even acknowledged that I existed, but I had no luck.

She was pissed at me and I could understand why, but it still didn't make it any easier on me.

I texted her one last time before I entered the auditorium.

ME: I know you're still mad at me but you gotta talk to me baby. I miss you and I'm sorry.

She read the message after I sent it, but didn't reply. I sighed in frustration, shoving my phone into the pocket of my hoody before I entered the classroom ready to endure a long and lonely day.

Biology dragged by slowly even though the class clocked in at less than an hour. The only real reason I came to this class was because attendance was part of my grade, otherwise I would blow it off every morning to stay home with Aliyah for longer.

As soon as time was up, I quickly packed up my stuff. I was meeting Aliyah for a late breakfast as I always did after bio.

I picked up my phone and called her.

"What's up? Are we still meeting for breakfast?"

"Yes! But lets blow off campus and go eat somewhere else."

"You're speaking my language. Where do you wanna meet?"

"Front of our building?"

"Perfect! See you in like 5."

"Ok byeee."

I hung up, changing my route to the apartment building instead of the dining hall.

I walked quickly, my own hunger driving me to meet up with her as soon as possible.

My eyes fell on Aliyah who was already patiently waiting for me to get there.

"Finally," she grinned. "What'd you do? Crawl here?"

"You seeeee. You can walk if that's the case."

She laughed, slinging her arm around my shoulders. "Don't be grumpy I'm sorry."

"You're only apologizing because you're hungry."

"Ummm okay so...?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking her arm from around me. "This is why I don't like your ass."

"Well yeah...you love me!"

I shook my head, pulling my lanyard from around my neck. "Yeah whatever."

"You're just extra mad because you miss your girlfriend."

I pouted. "So..."

"You're so cute when you're soft."

"Aren't I though."

"This is exactly why I never give you compliments."

I laughed, unlocking my car as soon as we were close enough. "I still appreciate them."

"Could've fooled me," she mumbled.

"Get in the fucking car."

We parted ways and slid into my car. "You get aux."

"Great! You never let me have it."

I pressed the start button, my car's engine thrumming to life. "So where do you wanna go before you have to come back for class."

"Anywhere with good pancakes."

"Fuck pancakes, let's get crepes."

"Never had them."

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