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I laid comfortably in Aliyah's bed even though she had left a little over an hour ago. There was no reason to be in my room anyway.

The house was empty per usual. I hadn't seen Gia in a few days which had become a normal occurrence. She would come back every few days to grab more clothes and occasionally she'd do homework before she inevitably left again.

I always wanted to ask her if she had a boyfriend or another friend group that lived elsewhere.

I didn't blame her for either because I knew if Aliyah and I still had the friendship we did now and we didn't live together, I'd be at her house 24/7 too.

Minutes ticked by slowly while I was alone. In times like these I would call Robyn to bug her a little and let her know I was missing her but she was on my shit list— I'm sure I was on hers too.

So instead I called Tru. A conversation with him could never turn sour.

I called him, only listening to the ringer for a few seconds.

"What's up princess!"

At least he was always excited to talk to me.

"Hi brother. Nothing much. I just wanted to talk to my favorite man on the planet."

"Aww damn, you making a nigga blush and shit."

I giggled. "Let me see."

My phone rung with an incoming face time call which I immediately answered. He was wearing the same goofy ass grin he had every time we talked. "Awww you always look so handsome."

He rolled his eyes, trying to keep from cheesing too hard. "I'm really glad you called though. I have something good to tell you."

I looked at him skeptically, watching his grin widen. "Okaaaay. What is it?"

"We set a date for the showcase! It's Halloween weekend."

"Wow! That's awesome. You just found out today or?..."

He shook his head, "Nah, nah. We've known for like three days I think. I waited to tell you because I wanted to give her a chance to, but fuck it! I'm way too excited to keep this shit in."

I kept the disappointment from her willfully withholding information from me and instead focused on how excited Tru was. I returned his smile tenfold. "That's amazing Tru. I wish I could hug you."

He cleared his throat to hide his smile but failed miserably. "Yeah, yeah. Only thing is I'm still trying to haggle with this dude on the price of this rental for the day."

"Well stop haggling. I got you."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wait Maya! No, I can't let you do that. This is our showcase-"

I rose my hand, "Tru, you've literally never asked me for anything, before. I can do this one nice thing for you after all these years. Plus it's not like I'll miss the money. How much?"

"Just $300."

I clapped my hands excitedly, a grin spreading across my face. "Perfect! I'll send it to you through Zelle."

Tru looked at me in amazement, a soft adoring smile lighting up his face and then his eyes. "You're so amazing. I hope you know that. I love you!"

I smiled bashfully, "Yeah, I love you too."

"So what day you coming down. I know your girlfriend wants you the whole weekend."

I shrugged, "Well that's for Robyn to figure out when she decides to tell me herself. By the way don't tell her you told me please. I wanna see how long she keeps this away from me."

"Damn! Did I start a future argument again?"

"This is her own fault, not yours."

He wiped imaginary sweat from his brow. "Damn let me shut up before I say anything else."

"Oh? So you know more things," I said, raising an eyebrow after.

His eyebrows widened before he zipped his lips and threw away the key.

I rolled my eyes laughing.

I would never hold Tru responsible for anything Robyn was doing. I was a firm believer in the fact that everything I needed to know would eventually see the light. All I had to do was be patient.

A/N: Another one!

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