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The moment my eyes opened, the events from last night settled heavily on my heart. I closed my eyes tight as soon as I felt the onset of tears. I didn't want to cry anymore.

Arms wrapped around me tightly, squeezing me just tight enough to make my tears subside for now. I thought about turning around to face her, but I  couldn't muster the energy to do that.

"Can you face me?"

I stayed silent, refusing.


She sighed when I stayed quiet. Aliyah unraveled her arms from around me, leaving me cold for a moment before she climbed over me and settled in front of me.

"You wanna leave in a couple of hours and go home?"

I rose an eyebrow, "what do you mean? We still have to go to brunch with AB and D."

"Maya," she started carefully. "I think they'll understand if you skip on brunch today."

"Honestly Aliyah, I don't wanna have to think about shit or be laid up today. I just wanna spend my last day with people I love."

"Ok," she relented easily. I knew she had more to say, but I was thankful she didn't push the issue.

"Do me a favor and text Diona and AB that we'll be leaving to go to brunch in a couple of hours. I don't wanna see shit Robyn sent me."

She wordlessly grabbed my phone from my bedside table and typed out a  couple of things before setting it back down. I stared at Aliyah fully realizing that I'd have to leave the comfortability of my bed at some point and if wasn't now then it'd be never.

Aliyah moved away from me abruptly and left the bed, trekking into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I immediately missed the warmth she had been providing me, wondering why she left so suddenly.

She poked her head out from the bathroom and smiled at me gently. "Shower's ready!"

I stretched my stiff limbs and rolled back over, staring blankly at the ceiling. She approached me slowly, offering her hand to me.

I reluctantly took it, letting her pull me into a sitting position.

With heavy limbs I eventually got out of bed, her hand still tucked in mine.

I rose a curious eyebrow when she didn't immediately leave my side when we entered the bathroom. "I love you, but I don't need you to be in the bathroom with me while I shower."

"I know that idiot!"

"So you wanna see me naked then?"

"No! I-" she opened her mouth to say something else, but quickly closed it, settling on leaving without another word.

I laughed, shutting the door behind her as she left the bathroom.

I  took a quick shower, doing my best to wash away the negative feelings that had attached themselves to me from the day before. Once I was done,  I think I had done a good job of doing just that. I felt better and fresh faced—like I could start my day on a good note.

When I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a plush towel and I finished the rest of my morning routine at the sink.

Aliyah was still sprawled out on my bed, bringing a broad smile to my face.

"There she is. You feel better?"

"Actually yes."

"I knew you would. I'm gonna shower really quick and get back to you." "Bye the way your friends are blowing up your phone."

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