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I ran both my hands through my hair, gripping it harshly.

My emotions had boiled over again. I stared at the phone, regret building in my stomach.

Accusing her didn't make me feel any better. I didn't feel stronger, or more in control.

If anything, I felt weaker because now everything I felt and thought was in the air. Maya had forgiven me so many times before, but I knew there was a limit. I knew each accusation cut her deeper and deeper. And I hated hurting her, I really did, but I hated that girl even more.

I couldn't wrap my head around Maya becoming friends with her so fast. She's all I saw. She was always with her. I knew they were affectionate with each other, it was Maya's nature.

That fact hurt me the most. There was a girl out there that got to experience Maya every single day, and my gut feeling was telling me there was something going on. Something that shouldn't be happening.

I couldn't shake the feeling that Maya's "friend" was shooting for something else. No one could seem to want to stay Maya's friend without trying to fuck her. I had seen the pattern so many times before and I refused to let it play out again especially with someone that she was going to be living with for a year.

I let out a disheartened groan before throwing my phone to the side and standing from my bed abruptly. I searched around for something to wear. I had been in a t-shirt and sweats all day, but I needed to leave this apartment before I continued on this emotional rampage.

I hurriedly pulled on a plain white, tight fitting crop top and plain jeans before I left out of the apartment.

As I descended down to the garage, I made sure to turn my phone on do not disturb. This was my time. I needed to isolate myself for my own stability. Everything and everyone could wait for me, including her.

It was a little after 3 in the afternoon, giving me plenty of time to explore by myself.

Tru had neglected to show me around like he said he would, so I guess it was my job to do it myself. If I was lucky maybe I'd find a nice spot that I could use to clear my head.

The bright light rained down over my car as soon as I exited the garage. I rolled my windows down, letting the warm air spill into my car as I sped down the street, whipping my hair in front of my face.

The sunset would be in a few hours, but I hoped to be home by then.

My mind naturally wondered to the damage that I had done, but I quickly pushed it to the back of my head, hoping that I could keep her out of my mind for the time being.

I drove aimlessly, but in the end I found myself near the water. I think it was called Redondo beach. There was a pier here too, lined with shops and restaurants.

The smell of the ocean air soothed my aching heart. I never understood why I never took advantage of the west coast the way I should've, knowing how many beaches were in driving distance.

Water was my element and sometimes the only thing that seemed to calm me.

I smiled inwardly as I caught a glimpse of water lapping at the sand.

I parked my car in one of the designated parking lots, walking slowly on to the board walk, my head on a slow swivel.

The feeling of serenity slowly dissipated as the feeling of incompleteness seeped into my head. Maybe it was the fact that every other person I saw was happily holding hands with one another.

Coming here with Tru would've probably taken my mind off of the younger girl for longer, but he was gone. He'd been gone for a full 24 hours.

I wasn't worried about his whereabouts. I was sure he was entertaining some woman or making music at a friend's house, none of which concerned me at the moment.

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