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That was the only thing I could describe myself as being. This quarter system made it seem like everything was moving at twice it's original intended speed. And I truly hated that it was only going to get worse. It had only been a month into my college career which meant finals were rapidly approaching.

That thought alone was enough to make me want to cry. It felt like I had just finished midterms.

I trudged up to my apartment door, disheartened by the fact that I had assignments that needed to be worked on so they wouldn't come back and haunt me later in the week.

With a dramatic huff, I opened the door, dragging my feet loudly as I walked to my room so that everyone who was here would know what mood I was in.

Everything I touched seemed to match how I felt. My room was messier than I liked.

Messy was actually an understatement. It looked like a tornado of clothes had ransacked it. I really couldn't be bothered with it anytime soon. I pulled off my clothes adding to the mess, and settled on a comfortable pair of sweats and a solid black sports bra.

I left my room and ventured to the one next to mine, knocking on the door softly.

"Come in."

I opened the door closing it behind me, before I made the slow dramatic walk to her bed, a pout already on my face.

"What's wrong," she asked, concern bleeding into her voice.

I dived on to her bed with a frustrated huff, sighing loudly after. I glanced at the pretty brunette that was staring at me, her eyebrows knitted slightly, waiting for me to tell her what was wrong. I set my head on her lap in preparation to tell her how tired I was. She tensed underneath me for a moment, cocking her head before she shrugged. I guess I had never vied for attention like this from her before, but there was always room for firsts. Today I really needed physical attention and I knew she wouldn't hesitate to provide it.

"Aliyah," I said seriously, "I'm fucking exhausted."

"Well...no one told you to take 17 units."

I rolled my eyes, "that's not what I wanted to hear and you know it."

She frowned, shaking her head, "ok, sorry, sorry." "What I meant to say is that you need to take a break even if it's for a few hours. We barely spend any time together. You only wanna hang out if it's homework involved."

"You seem a little upset about that, "I teased. "I thought doing work together was hanging out."

"I am upset about it. There's no substance to doing homework together."

"I guess..."

She rolled her eyes playfully, her hand coming up to play in my hair. It seemed like she didn't even notice, the gesture must've been second nature to her. It was probably something she did to her girlfriend.

"Watch a movie with me or at the very least go to sleep for a while because you look exhausted."

"Wow thanks, you're so kind."

She ruffled my hair, causing me to smile. "You're welcome."

I wasn't exactly sure when me and Aliyah had grown so close in the short time that we knew each other. It's not like I hadn't called this happening, but it was still nice to know I had someone I was comfortable with— someone I was okay sharing affection with because I didn't feel like it would be mistaken for having feelings for them.

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