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My own mantra had been playing in my head and I hadn't stopped repeating it for two days now.

The showcase was in exactly a week and my nerves were beginning to set it. I know they were only going to get worse as time went by.

I had already went through an 1/8 by myself in less than two days. However, that was the least of my worries. I wasn't sure how I was going to cope when the day finally came and I didn't have the support I wanted.

I shook my head at the thought and immediately reached for the lighter and placed a freshly rolled blunt between my lips and lit it, taking a sharp inhale before blowing it out slowly.

I began repeating the mantra in my head again to bring myself some type of relief.

I don't need her support.

I don't need her support.

I don't need her support.

That sentence had made me feel better about her not coming, but only for a moment so I had to repeat it religiously or else the reality of her not being there would sink in again and my heart would clench painfully in my chest.

I wished things were different, but they couldn't be. At least not with that motherfucker tagging along with my girlfriend.

Didn't she have her own girlfriend?

I didn't understand why she had to attach herself to what was mine. And I didn't know why Maya allowed her to blatantly disrespect what we have.

Whatever the reasoning, I hated it with every fiber of my being.

Everyday my hatred for that girl that I had never met grew exponentially. I wasn't sure what I would do if I was standing in front of her. I don't think I could remotely pretend to be cordial toward her. I probably wouldn't even try.

I shook my head and picked up the phone and stared at her contact name for a long time, contemplating my next move before I mentally said 'fuck it' and typed out a message.

I set my phone down and let out a sigh I had been holding in for at least an hour. My body had already begun to relax and my hostility had even began to dim.

Weed was my only company for the day, I guess. Just as I begun to settle into the reality of that truth, my phone rung with an incoming call. I looked at the screen for a few seconds before accepting the call, a look of confusion on my face.

"Hello," I said tentatively, my eyebrows scrunching as I waited for her to say something.

"Hey, I'm glad you answered. You free?"

"Yeah, I'm just chillin' at home. What's up?"

"I had a free moment and thought I'd call."

"Okay. What'd you wanna talk about?"

"Oh ummm..." she paused. "I just wanted to let you know a couple of my friends are coming with me to your event."

I grinned, "Oh that's what's up! I'm excited to meet them. Was that it?" I asked, raising my eyebrow even though she couldn't see me.

"No," she laughed before she cut it abruptly. "What should I bring?"

"Patron is always cool. We can take a celebratory shot together. Lord knows I'm gonna fucking need it," I added more quietly.

"Oh? What happened?"

I shook my head. I didn't usually confide in others with my problems, but it's not like I could tell Tru what was causing my pissy ass mood over the past couple of days without him digging into me about how stupid I was being. Especially because I wasn't willing to hear any of it.

"Just relationship stuff," I answered vaguely, hoping that was enough to satisfy her.

"Relationship stuff like what?"

"Me and my girlfriend got into a stupid fight and we haven't talked in a couple days."

"Is this the same girl you came in with the first time I saw you."


"I see. What happened?"

I gnawed on my bottom lip before I eventually conceded in telling her about what was going on with me and her. "Well she has this friend that I fucking hate and she's taking her back to San Diego with her. She won't even come up to LA all the days I want her to come because she's with her." "This whole situation has me so fucking pissed Jessie, I just told her not to come since she wants to play house with that stupid bitch."

"Yeah that's not cool at all," she agreed. "Is something going on with her and her friend?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "I don't think she would do that to me, but who knows. The girl has what's mine wrapped so tightly around her finger. It's been fucking with me for a while, but this sealed the deal. I don't want her at my event around my girl so I told her not to come."

I sighed in relief after getting all of that out of my system.

"I see why you don't trust her. Are they super close?"

"It seems like it from what I know. My girlfriend said she wouldn't cut her off because she's her only real friend where she goes to school."

"Oh yeah...I definitely wouldn't trust her either."

"Fucking thank you!"

Finally someone understood that I wasn't bugging for nothing. I didn't flip on her just because I felt like it. These were real things that bothered me. Any normal girlfriend would either eliminate the issue or at the very least try to fix it, but she did neither. She passed it off as me having another episode. I think that's what I hated the most. These weren't just moments of my head playing tricks on me, these were my real feelings that I tried sharing with her as best I could.

It made me feel crazy when I clearly wasn't.

"But hopefully it's not like."

For her sake I really hoped it wasn't

"Yeah, me too."

I truly hoped my suspicions never came to fruition.

A/N: Happy Sunday. Two more chapter before we really get down to business 😈

1) How is it that Robyn can't see that Jessie isn't genuinely interested in her relationship problems?

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