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I focused on his figure as he approached me.

"Hi," I smiled.

He returned it easily, pushing some hair out of his face. "Hey. You ready to go?"

I nodded, smiling at him. "So what movie did you have in mind?"

He shrugged. "I was going to let you pick."



I squealed excitedly, "Ok great! I never looked at what movies were playing, but I'll do that once we get to my car."


We walked quietly to my car. Brixton and I had never hung out alone which was probably for the best. Unlike Aliyah, my harmless flirting would probably be taken for something else.

Hopefully that feeling would leave someday.

As soon as I saw my car, I unlocked it, walking ahead of Brixton to slip inside first. He followed behind me shortly after.

I pulled my phone out looking at the movies that were showing at the theater closest to us.

"So are you thinking comedy, horror, action or a thriller."

"I want something exciting

"Hmmmm...okay. So how about Geostorm, I've seen a couple trailers," he suggested.

"That sounds good."

I had seen a couple trailers for the movie and it seemed like it could be good.


I set my phone down in the middle console, pressing the start engine button. The engine came to life, thrumming gently. "You can play music if you want."

"What's your password?"


He grabbed my phone, keying in the code. "What does it stand for? Your password I mean."

"My girlfriend's birthday."

"I see. Sooooo..."

"Sooooo what?"

"Are we ever gonna get to meet her?"

I rose an eyebrow. He never expressed any desire to meet Robyn before this. He was probably looking to see if anything was wrong with her so his ego could feel better. I almost wanted to tell him that meeting her would probably make him feel worse, but I kept that to myself. "At some point. I'm not sure when though."

He nodded in understanding , "Okay."

"What made you ask?"

Brix shrugged, gazing out the window. "I just wanna meet who you're so in love with."

I'm sure he meant to make it sound playful, but it sounded anything but. Sarcasm bled from his voice, bit I chose to ignore it as best I could. "I guess it would be cool if she came out so we could all hang out."


I ignored the mood her had dragged himself into as we drove down the tarmac.

As the quietness between us elongated, the fact that maybe we were never meant to hang out along pushed to the front of my head.

I took my phone from the middle console and opened it. Aliyah was always an option to me. I shot her a quick text telling her quickly that this was probably not the best idea and that she may have to save me at some point with an 'emergency' excuse.

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