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I sat there for a moment before I quickly shook myself free from my surprise and followed after Maya.

I caught her wrist in the middle of the parking lot, squeezing it tighter than I knew I should. "You know I hate when you walk out on me."

She gazed at me, a glazed over expression in her eyes, ignoring the hold I had on her. "You honestly think I was gonna sit through breakfast with you after you disrespected me like that??? In my face???"

"It doesn't matter. You don't get to leave."

She snatched out of the grip I had on her and pulled her phone from the clutch she was holding.

I watched her as she turned on her heel so she wasn't facing me and pressed the phone to her ear. My anger flared as I plucked her phone from her hand, ending the call.

I could almost laugh when I looked at the caller ID, but nothing was funny. I wanted to smash her fucking phone, but I thought better of it.

"You serious, Maya?" I asked ready to give her absolute hell.

I grabbed her again and dragged her roughly to my car, backing her up against the metal before I let her arm fall back to her side.

I took a few calming breaths, shaking my head to ease the tension I was feelings.

"You took shit too far. Why do you think it was ok to call her???"

She shrugged, the same defiant, blank expression on her face. Her indifference only made me angrier. "I don't know, baby. Why did you think it was okay to fuck with the waitress in my face?"

I shoved her.

"You were about to do the same shit to me! But that shit doesn't matter, you called someone you fucked to come get you? That shit is inexcusable and fucking gross..."

She stayed quiet. I bowed my head, trying to keep myself at least a little composed because I was liable to snap at any moment. "We're going home."

She pushed back against me and shook her head. "I'm not going home with you."

I straightened my posture and gave her a level stare. "I don't think you're hearing me correctly. You don't get to argue with me. Get in the fucking car...now. We're going home."

I stepped away from her, unlocking my car before I slipped inside. A few seconds later she was settled into the seat next to me.

I pulled off, my hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel.

The car ride was deathly silent. She wouldn't look at me, even as I burned holes into the side of her face every time we stopped at a light.

I pulled into the parking lot of my complex and parked, my emotions still at a high.

I wasn't sure how I was going to come down because she definitely wasn't in the mood to help me. I hated disrespect and she had crossed the line with me.

A few deep breaths later, I finally gained the courage to move. "Let's go."

We stepped out of my car together, walking to the elevator silently.

The ride to the seventh floor was even more tense than the drive home.

That tension only grew the closer we got to my room. Whatever mood she had been in had left and was replaced with unsureness.

She couldn't read me; I knew that much.

Usually my anger was palpable, but this time I had done a good job of hiding how angry i was.

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