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I sat in my empty room in silence. I glanced around the unfamiliar space, a twinge of homesickness washing over me.

I hadn't talked to Robyn in some hours, 14 to be exact. I knew she was wallowing— what she was best at. It didn't bother me much though, I had expected that much. Truthfully, I'd let her take as much time as she needed.

Being away from home was going to take some time to get used to. My parents had left me after they had finished moving in and I expected nothing less.

My roommates seemed to be cool, although we hadn't talked much. One had left the apartment right after she had moved herself in. For the short time that Gia and I did talk we hit it off. We'd get to know each other better, I was sure of it.

My other roommate was slightly shyer, but I was determined to break her out of her shell. It's what I was good at.

There was a campus wide event that served as an ice breaker for all the incoming freshman. I had already planned to go, but I had made it up in my mind that I would drag her along with me as well. Aliyah deserved to get out of the house because she'd spend the night alone otherwise.

I sat up at the sound of my phone vibrating on my pale blue sheets beside me. I smiled as soon as I saw the name that flashed across the screen.

"Hello?" I said after tapping the green button.


She sounded shitty, like she had emotionally drained herself.

"Hey, baby. How're you feeling and why didn't you call me earlier?"

Of course I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear her say it.

"I didn't want to cry on the phone with you."

I smiled sadly, even though she couldn't see me.

"It doesn't matter. I still wanted to hear my baby's voice." "I miss you a lot Robz...like a lot."


"Yeah babe. It feels really weird without you by my side."

"I love you so much," she said softly into the receiver. "You're gonna make me cry again. Stop being sappy," she laughed tearfully, sniffling.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop."

"Do you like it there? How're your roommates? Do you like them?"

"It's cool love. I still need a day or two to really settle down. I've only been her for a little over a day. And yeah, they're pretty cool I guess. One of them hasn't been home since she moved in, but I'm not really worried because she told me she'd rarely be here. The other one is a little shy so I think I'm gonna invite her to this event that we're having on campus for the incoming freshman. It's an ice breaker or some shit."

"What she look like?"

I rolled my eyes, "Robz..."

"Whaaaaat!" she exclaimed. "I just wanna know who my girl is linked up with."

"Whatever, I'll send you a picture as soon as I get one."


"What're you doing right now?"


"Promise me you'll work on music today, or do something that gives you an outlet or something. Try turning that sadness into something else. I promise it'll make you feel better."

"Okay," she agreed reluctantly. "I promise."

"Ok good! I gotta go though sweetheart. I promise to keep in touch with you throughout the day. I love you Robyn."

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