Chapter 6

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After dinner, Veronica went straight up to her room and decided to facetime Valerie.

"Hey Val!"

"Omg hi Vonnie! I missed you so much! I was fucking lonely at school. How's your first day at school there oh and at the Holder's? Are they treating you right?" Valerie said placing her hand below her chin.

"Woah chill there! It's not that good without you and Violet but I managed. At school umm yea it's fine I guess, a silver head girl gave me warning to not go near Lucas but of course I didn't let her to get on my head because hey it's Veronica... no one can bring me down." Veronica said as she flips her long greenish hair.

"Of course you have drama on your first day, now tell me who's Lucas? Is he good looking?"

"He's Mr Holder's eldest son. Well yea he's handsome but with a little no ALOT of attitude. He pisses me off all the time." Veronica said, rolling her eyes.

"Why? Did you do something to him?" Valerie asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Nah, he's like that to everyone actually. My father sent me here so that I will not make any trouble but oh boy he's wrong. I'm going to find why is Lucas acting like that and where is he going everyday after school." Veronica said looking other place.

"You really are so into him aren't you?" Valerie said smiling like a fool.

"You had no idea how close we are during childhood Val. I missed those times, I just wonder why he doesn't remember anything from it."

"How about Jason? you will just forget about him like that?"

"Of course it's hard for me to forget him cuz he was the only guy that actually care for me. But I have to wait for two years to be legal and his addiction towards drugs is out of hand!"

"Girl you can actually start helping him out to get over of drugs by then you will be 18 and- wait what are you keep looking at? You look scared af." Valerie asked.

"Val, do you believe in ghost?" Veronica asked.

"No, such things doesn't exists. Why are you asking Vonnie?"

"It's been 2 days I'm staying here and something is not right here. Everytime I sit in the kitchen, I'd seen shadows like people running and just now I heard windows knocking. "

"Vonnie, that might be just your imagination. There's nothing such as ghost. Go and sleep okay? U look tired, we will facetime again tomorrow so gn bestie luv ya!" Valerie said and end the call.

Veronica closed her eyes quickly. She was able to sleep soundly after talking Valerie.


"I've told you I quit smoking from long time ago. Stop calling dude we are not friends anymore after what you did." Lucas said.

"After what I did? Can we talk about what you did? You broke the bro code dude and now we are giving you another chance to be friends back. All you have to do is to come at our normal smoking spot and apologize for what you did and we can be friends again."

"I'm not going to be friends with people who prefer to trust a stranger instead of their own best friend. Fuck off with you guys friendship!" Lucas said and end the call quickly.

Lucas Holder, came from a well known family because his father owned a bakery nearby the neighbourhood. Being the only son in the family, people may thought that he's spoiled but only Lucas knows that the house feels like a prison for him.

It all started when he start putting interest in cars. Cars had always amazed him and there's this one situation where he once fixed his broken toy car when he was 13. Seeing the broken car able to move again because of him made him fall in love with cars more. He then told his father about his dream to open a workshop and Mr Holder disagree to it saying that Lucas should take over the bakery instead when he turn 18. That's when the bond between father and son are gone. They fight ever since that and that is why he hates going home too.

Lucas hate his life. It was always his fault whenever there's problem, people seem to blame him for everything so he decides to make people happy by being rude to everyone because that's the only way to prove their accusations are right. If he's not happy atleast other people are.


*Something about Lucas for you guys to know him better. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote cuz it keep me motivated. Btw I'm thinking to introduce all the characters to you all so do lmk in the comment section! Ciao ❤

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