Chapter 17

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"Thanks for letting me stay here bro." Lucas thanked Ben as he walked in Ben's cabin.

"No prob dude. That's what friends are for."

Jason who was at first focusing watching tiktok suddenly said "Wo wo wo wo hold on a sec, wtf are you doing here and what's up with all these luggages?"

"Lucas will be staying us." Ben said.

"B..but there's no place for another person to sleep here. Someone should know that this is just a cabin not a fuckin mansion." Jason said sarcastically without looking at Lucas.

"For your fuckin info Jason, I'm just staying here temporary until I manage to find a rental and since I'm already working I might get it very fast, unlike you who doesn't have a job. Careful Ben cuz he might stay here way too long." Lucas snapped back.

"You fuckin assho-" before Jason could punch Lucas, Ben quickly stand between them.

"Now now we don't want any fight here. C'mon guys we're technically housemates now! Oh and Jason don't think that I forget what you did lastime, you are lucky that I gave you a second chance so behave." Ben said.

"For the 10th times I'm sorry okay, I needed the money badly!"

"Yes you fuckin needed the money till you didn't share it with me. Whatever, anyway let's have tacos!"

"But it's not Tuesday?" Lucas asked weirdly.

"So? We can have tacos anytime we want! C'mon!" Ben said cheerfully.


"I think this is the place." Veronica said as she walked nearer to the workshop. It's a beautiful place actually because there are nature everywhere. Many trees, flowers and the best part is, it's nearby a lake!

"I could visit Lucas all the time if the place is like this." Veronica said happily.

"Umm what?" a deep male voice said.

Out of shock Veronica quickly turned her head back and a smile immediately appeared on her face after she saw him. It was Lucas. She quickly ran towards him and hug him tightly. She miss his smell, his touch his voice, his laugh and literally everything about this boy.

"So glad you came to see me at work and I'm feeling quite weird too." Lucas said, still hugging Veronica


"Because never have I received someone so beautiful came to see me at work." Lucas chuckled.

"Oh shut up!" Veronica laughed.

Both of them still hugging and being comfortable with each other presence.

After good 6 mins, Veronica realized and got embarrased then she said "Hmm you can let me go now."

"Yea sure umm sorry." Lucas let go and scratched his head.

"So this is where you work." Veronica said as she step in the workshop.


"You alone here?"

"The boys are out of town to repair a customer's car and as you can see there's no customers today because usually on Saturday there's not much. Come let's sit here." Lucas said as he tapped a empty bench beside him.

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