Chapter 13

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Ben just entered his cabin in blood hands. He walked to the bathroom and took out his shirt to put it for laundry. He step in the shower for a hot nice bath.


Ben quickly open the shower door and was surprised to see his long lost friend.

Lucas Holder.

"Lucas wtf are you doing here?"

"I think you should wear your towel first cuz yk I can see..." Lucas said as he moves his eyes down.

"If you get tf out, then I can take my towel!" Ben shouted.

"Chill chill I will wait at the living room." Lucas laughed as he walked out from the bathroom.

15 mins later, Ben came out freshly dressed and sat beside Lucas.

"How did you managed to come in?" Ben asked.

"Bro you didn't lock your door, you're so careless bro even just now you didn't locked your bathroom door."

"Who tf lock their bathroom door if they thought they're alone at home you idiot! Anyway, you been quiet for 1 good month. What happened? I almost thought your father had beaten you to death." Ben chuckled.

"I will never let anyone to raise their hand on me. Busy at work bro that's why also Brandon and the gang was calling me every fuckin time."

"What did that mfs want?" Ben's face turned serious very fast.

"They kept calling me to their smoking spot and want me to apologize of what happened." Lucas said as he adjust his hair.

"This is funny, they want you to apologize because you did nothing? I thought we've settled this? Why tf are they bringing up this again?"

"Idk man but I had shut them off rudely so Jason said that I better be careful outside."

"Or else what? They gonna beat you or something? Mtfs were so terrified when they saw me that day. Nvm I will handle them." Ben scoffed.

"Dude you had enough problem, I don't wanna disturb you." Lucas said.

"You are my only friend here Lucas, I'm not gonna keep quiet seeing you in trouble besides you are-" Ben stopped his sentence real quick.

He was gonna say "besides you are Felicia's brother" but he couldn't. Lucas will never accept both of them together or even worse the fact that they had had sex before. First is because Ben is going to turn 19 soon while Felicia is still 16. Second is because Ben is a criminal and Lucas knew that very well. Ben knows that both of them are siblings after Lucas told him that his father owns a bakery. He was suspicious of this because he remembered Felicia had before told him the same thing so he asked Felicia what's her last name and that very moment it was confirmed that Felicia is Lucas's sister.

But he couldn't do anything, it was too late. Too late because he met Felicia first and it's impossible to let go of that girl. She was the reason for Ben's smile, she was his happiness.

"BEN!" Lucas suddenly shouted.

"Huh what?"

"Wtf are you day dreaming about? Someone's in love eh?" Lucas smirked.

"Pls you know I don't get too attach with anyone." Ben scoffed.

"Same bro but now I'm afraid that it will happen."

"Geez Lucas, spill the tea. What happened?"

"Alot had happened this one month. My dad's friend daughter are staying at my house. Her name is Veronica, what can I say about her? She's an ummm interesting girl."

"Wuuu I never seen you so speechless like this before. You must really like her, go for it." Ben suggested.

"I have to earn my own money first. I'm not making her to suffer with me cuz I want the life when she want something, I can buy it for her without any hesitation." Lucas said.

"That's true. But in my case, I have tons of cash and I can literally buy a anything my gf but my life is dangerous."

"Yea. Anyway wanna come to my house? Coincidence my parents aren't at home."

"Ofcoz let's go." Ben smirked at the thought he gets to see Felicia. This is also gonna be the day she will know that Lucas and Ben are friends.


*Hola! Hope you guys like this chapter hehe pls vote 😆 Also any suggestions, may comment :))

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