Chapter 5

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Veronica is finding her English class. Felicia had to rush to her class because she's having quiz. As she was looking, she bumped into a tall figure causing her to move back again.

"Watch where you're going shortie." Lucas said.

"I'm actually 5'7 but okay." Veronica said as she crossed her arms.

"Look, you should be talking less-"

"Hi Lucas! Omg look at you, smokin hot." said a silver head girl came from nowhere.

Lucas the moment he saw that girl, he make a move and just walked away.

"Look here new girl, don't ever think that you will get Lucas. He's mine well technically soon. So mine your business and act like a new girl!" said the silver head girl.

"You're funny if you think that Lucas will like you. Anyway my name is Veronica and just because I'm new here, don't think that I'm the weakest. You have no idea how I was in my old school. Bye silver head..." Veronica said softly and walked away.

"She's really pretty Tanya. She might be a competition for you soon." Olivia, Tanya's friend said.

"Let's see if she can." Tanya said while her eyebrow are raised up.

Time Skip

"So class today we have a new student. Veronica, pls come forward and introduce yourself." the English teacher said.

"She have already tell my name what else does she want me to tell jeez." Veronica mumbled inside but still walked in front. "Hey, umm I'm Veronica Charles, I was born and used to live in Florida but now here I am in Texas."

After that the class went on and the girl beside Veronica seems very interested to be her friend.

"Hi Veronica, I'm ellie. You want to have lunch with me later?" Ellie asked.


"Great! We can be good friends!" Ellie said happily.

"You wish, no one can replace my Violet and Valerie. Maybe I can use you for my homeworks tho." Veronica said in her mind then smile.

Time Skip

School just ended and Veronica is waiting for Felicia outside the gate. Then she got a text from Felicia.

Hey sorry Veronica, I have a sudden club meeting so I can't walk you home.

But I still not quite memorize the way back to your home.

No prob, I already told Lucas so he will bring you back. Gotta go so see you at home Veronica!

"Ready to go?" a deep male voice is heard. It's Lucas.

"Omg thank god you have a bike cuz I'm not used at walking!" Vero said happily.

"Hell naw I'm letting you sit on my baby. Besides I know girls like you often take advantage on boys like me." Lucas said as he flip his mop of hair.

"One day you will ask me to sit on your bike. I guarantee you that cutie." Veronica smirked as she thought that in her head.

As both of them walking, Veronica thought of taking this opportunity to know Lucas more.

"Hey Lucas if you don't mind, can I know where do you always been missing? I mean like where did you always go until late night?"

"Look first of all, I don't even tell my own family where have I been going so who are you? Just because I walked you home doesn't mean you can ask any shit about me. My father's home is there so go." Lucas said and walk away to the back not wanting to go home.

Not gonna lie, Veronica feels a bit hurt but she let go away of that feeling. She's even more curious now where is Lucas going after school. She just want to help him because she understands the feeling of being alone.

Because she was alone after her mom's death.


*So like I was really busy because my semester is coming to an end so I just have time to update now. I am also thinking of writing Lucas pov on the next chapter. What do you think? Thank you for reading and pls vote! ❤

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