Chapter 16

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Lucas just finished skating so now he's resting under a tree and suddenly...

"Ofcoz the god won't let me be peace for a while." Lucas said after he saw Tanya.

"Oh Lucas don't be a jerk and let me sit here." Tanya said as she sits beside Lucas on the grass. "So how's your life? It's been ages since we talk to each other."

"Funny you're asking how's my life going when practically you kinda ruined it." Lucas scoffed.

"What I did?"

Lucas angrily stand up and said "You'd the nerve to ask me what you did? Bitch you lied to my friends that we slept!"

"Well we do slept on the same bed-"

"You were dating one of my friend and at the same time you're into me so when I rejected you, you lied to them that we had sex but the truth is you fuckin took advantage on me when I was drunk!"

"You should thank me that you find out your friends are jerk to you. Why must they believed that their most loyal buddy broke the bro code? Anyway that night I was so stupid that I did not have sex with u eventhough the chance is right in front my eyes. So like wanna meet tonight?" Tanya swirled her long silver hair.

Lucas squat down and stare sharply at Tanya. "Bold of you asking me this question after what you did to my life but let me warn you if u ever come and talk to me or even look at me, I will make sure that is your last day on earth. Don't think I'm joking becuz I have someone who gladly will do it for me." Lucas ended his conversation.

"I think I better forget my feelings to keep me alive." Tanya said with a terrified expression and quickly make her way home.

Time Skip

Lucas entered his house angrily. His father is sitting there and he was looking at Lucas weirdly.

"Funny you're home early." Mr Holder spoke.

"Why you care anyway?" Lucas chuckled sarcastically.

"I do care about you because you're my son."

"If you care then you would have think my dream is important. All you do is judging my life."

"Well maybe because your so called dream is useless. What's so fascinating about repairing cars? You can easily take over the bakery business but you choose something that doesn't give you any money." Mr Holder raised his voice.

"Then what's so fascinating about baking? because it's your passion! If you are doing your fav job, you will so happy at work and that's what I want too dad." Lucas said as he wiped his tears. 

"I'm saying for your own good. You know what I always tell to your mother? I asked her when did we raised you wrong. I mean look at you so stubborn, not ambitious, rude and not even good at anything."

"You are too busy keeping yourself perfect till you don't even realize things I'm good at. Wooo I'm George Holder and I baked the best pastries in town so I have to make sure all my family and myself perfect af! I'm sorry dad but now I'm 18 so yea I'm going out from here rn. Thank you for everything even though you didn't like me but you took care of me very well by giving me food and shelter so thank you oh pls be nice to mom. Give her attention and give her love cuz no any women can ever cope with you this long. I'm going to pack my things." Lucas said and went upstairs to take his things. 

As Lucas is packing, Veronica entered his room.

"Where are you going packing all of your clothes?"

"I'm leaving this house."

"Bu..t why?" Veronica stuttered.

"You know everything that's happening in here. Everyone in my family hates me. I can't stand it anymore, I was just waiting until I turned 18 so yea now that I'm 18 I'm leaving."

"You can't do this to me." Veronica tears started pouring.

"What do you mean?" Lucas sat beside Veronica.

"I mean, umm u can't do this to your family. They loves you." Veronica changed her sentence quickly. She don't even know why she's feeling like this.

Lucas smiled bitterly. He almost thought Veronica is sad because he's leaving her. "My father didn't even stop me. The only person that loved me is my mother and I feel sorry for leaving her but I need to find my own life Veronica. Every minute I'm in this house, I can feel my confidence level going down."

"Okay but where's are you staying?"

"Don't worry about me. I have enough money to spend because I've been collecting money for almost 2 years now. I will text you my work address and my latest place I will be living but don't give my family okay. Come and see me there if you miss me." Lucas laughed after saying that last sentence.

Veronica smiled and hugged him tightly. Everything about this boy is giving her butterflies. He's just so precious and she wonder why everyone hates him but one thing for sure, no matter what she will never leave Lucas alone. He had enough of being alone.


*Wow this book is almost gonna be having 700 reads which is crazy! Super grateful that people are reading this book. Anyway as usual, thank you very much for reading and don't forget to vote! ❤

*I just published my first horror book called "The Wrong Job". Go read! Istg it's gonna be fun cuz I have alot of ideas for that book😁 I'm gonna be putting some romance, some horror and some mystery!

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