Chapter 15

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"I'm back, Vee. I know you must missed me."

"Who lied to you? No I'm not besides I'm having fun time here!" Veronica whispered, not wanting Ben, Felicia and Lucas to hear.

"Oh pls- btw let me in." Jason pushed Veronica aside to enter. "Hey Ben! Long time no see you!"

Veronica closed her eyes and sighed. "Why the hell this mf must know someone here damn" She thought herself.

"Jason? Bro such a fuckin long time I didn't see you!" Ben man-hugged Jason.

"Yea and who is this?" Jason eyed Felicia down to up.

"Oh this is Felicia. Her brother Lucas is my friend so I wanted to hang with him. That's Lucas." Ben showed and Jason shooke Lucas's hand then he walked towards Felicia.

"Umm hi I'm Felicia. So how did you and Ben met?

"Well it's a looong story-"

"NO! I mean they meet each other in a supermarket, yea supermarket." Lucas said, cutting Jason sentence.

"How do you know th-"

"Okay let's go outside Ben and Jason." Lucas pulled both of the boys outside quickly.

"Why you bring us outside?" Ben asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me bro? My family will be terrified!"

"What did I do?"

"Idk maybe because you killed too many people? You selled drugs? Dude you're basically a criminal!" Lucas shouted.

"Okay but what I did? I just arrived." Jason said, interrupting Lucas.

"Ben's friends are all criminal in some way so yea and stay the fuck off my house because I don't trust you!" Lucas scoffed.

Ben chuckled while Jason just smirked at the thought of Felicia. He came here actually to convince Veronica and bring her back to Florida but after he saw Felicia, he's definitely not letting her go. He wants Felicia no matter what.

"Alright Lucas tell the girls that we are going back. Jason, wanna live at my cabin?"

"I was actually planning to live in a hotel but since you asked, that will be good." Jason laughed.

"Bro you have that much money? Let's go." Ben walked first, leading the way.


Violet is reading her novel at a park nearby her house but she just couldn't seem to focus like usual. Her mind kept on thinkin about Jordan, Valerie's boyfriend. She knows it's bad to be obsessed with someone's boyfriend especially her best friend's boyfriend but she couldn't help it. Jordan was her friend first and she had always have a crush on him then one day on 7th grade Violet wanted to introduce Veronica and Valerie to Jordan but she didn't know that was her stupidest decision ever. Ever since Jordan saw Valerie, they both are totally attracted to each other. Then a couple months later, they announced that they are dating and at that moment Violet felt like her heart had been chopped.

Being in love with Jordan had caused alot of consequences in Violet's life. First she felt like the worst friend ever to Valerie, second she never dated anyone before and third everyone think Violet is a lesbian.

As Violet is thinking about Jordan, someone from behind suddenly cover her eyes. She quickly hold the hands and tried to wake up.

"Chill Violet! Guess who am I?" a deep manly voice can be heard.

Violet smiled. She knew exactly who's that but having his hand touching her makes her calm. The only touch that Violet comfortable with. It's Jordan.

"Too ashame you can't recognise my voice, purple."

Purple. That was Violet's nickname for Jordan and she loves the color purple ever since then.

"Hi Jordan omg I miss you! How are you?" Violet greeted cheerfully. She's so happy to finally see the boy that she'd been in love forever.

"I miss you too! How long we never meet? I think like 4 years and jeez you look so different now." Lucas eyed Violet from up to down. After his mother's death, Violet had always been the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen in life. Not only outside but inside. If only Valerie ever find out that Jordan is having this thought inside him, she will definitely kill him, but she will never find out right? Hopefully.

"Pls don't even start, btw where's Val?" Violet asked.

"Idk maybe at home. I was just walking around and I saw you! I been here 2 weeks ago, how could you didn't come and see me? Ughhh I hate youuu." Jordan pouted.

Violet widened her eyes. "Don't say that."


"Never say that you hate me again." Violet said in her serious tone.

"I will say it again if you never follow me for lunch now." Jordan said.


"Heyyy babe" Valerie interrupted.

"Yo Val. I thought you were asleep just now?" Jordan laughed.

"I wanted a kiss and you're not there. Oh hi Violet didn't see you there." Val said plainly. "Anyway let's go home and watch neflix."

"But we are just about to go for lunch." Jordan said, disagreeing with his gf.

"Jordan baby you came here for me so let's go home besides Violet won't mind. Right Vi?"

"Yea I don't mind." Violet said forcefully.

Jordan was about to look at Violet but Valerie quickly pulled him away and they both left, leaving Violet alone.



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Jordan Burgess
¤ 16
¤ Valerie's boyfriend


*Thank you for reading and damn 600  reads in 2 months?! 😩 I'm actually planning to write a horror book cuz that type of genre are what I always read. I'm naming my horror book "Scream Park" watcha think? 😤

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