Chapter 20

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Veronica had apologized to Violet and now both of them are heading back to Florida because they want to solve their friendship problem with Valerie. Jordan has leaved to Florida 2 days ago and felt quite heavy for leaving Violet here in Texas but Veronica had somehow successfully convinced him.

"My father are going to kill me for skipping school today." Veronica said chuckling.

"Yea." Violet laughed.

"You sure you're ready to talk to Valerie?"

"I'm sure Vonnie. It's just....I'm feeling guilty."

"You don't have to feel guilty Violet. You'd sacrificed your love for Jordan this whole time, you should be proud of doing this for your best friend!"

After 3 hours of driving, both of the girls has arrived at Valerie's house. Valerie's maid, Pauline let them enter the house thinking nothing has happen.

"Who tf let this homewrecker in?" Valerie said as soon as her room door open revealing Violet and Veronica.

"That's not nice Valerie." Veronica warned.

"Seriously Vonnie? Out of many people, I thought you will support me!"

"I support those who deserve."


"Stfu Valerie! We two have talk enough now it's Violet turn. Give her a chance."

"Nah you go ahead listening, imma just continue enjoying my song."

"Right as usual my talking is never important!" Violet voice out loud, making Valerie stopped what she's doing and looked at Violet.

"I've been keeping my mouth shut for ages Valerie because I knew that if you two ever find out about this, the V's will be ruin! Look I've told about this to Veronica yesterday now I'm going to tell you too. I've been in love with Jordan since I was little and before I could confess to him, you took him! Yes you fucking took him from me. But all this years I was still being decent and I was happy for you. You call me a homewrecker? If I was, I would do anything just to separate you two but I didn't because you're my best friend Val!" Violet said, crying.

"And Valerie, Jordan told me that you were jealous of Violet because I always gave her all the attention but Val you should know more. Violet is always the quiet one, she's different from us. I don't want her to feel left out that's why I gave her more attention but that doesn't mean that you not matter. I always find ways to make you happy. Remember the weird costume night?"

Valerie eyes start tearing, Violet and Veronica walked towards her and did a group hug.

"I'm so sorry Violet for hurting you this whole time. I....really don't know." Valerie cupped Violet's face and asked "Is that why you didn't date anyone this whole time?"

"Yes Val and being called as a lesbian."

"Pls forgive me Violet, I know that I don't deserved it but pls"

"I'm never angry at you Valerie just upset. But hey you're forgiven!" Violet smiled.

"And I'm sorry for lying to you Vonnie."

"It's fine Val."

"So.... the V's are back?" Valerie asked.

"Ofcourseee." Veronica chuckled, followed by Violet and Valerie.

After 2 hours of dramatic reunion. The girls are now just laying down on the floor and looking at the ceiling.

"Hey Violet." Valerie voiced out suddenly.


"You can date Jordan, I don't mind."

"No thanks."

Valerie widen her eyes and sit up real quick.

"Are you for real?! Just date him! Istg don't waste any of your anymore go for it!"

"Yea Vi, go for it!"

"I'm not gonna date Jordan, Val. I know how if feels seeing your love one with someone else. I'm not doing that to anyone too and moreover to my own best friend!"

"Oh nah istg-" Valerie said, then immediately sat on Violet's body.

"Wth Valerie! Get off me you're heavy!" Violet shout trying to push Valerie.

"What are you my mother or something? Stop sacrificing for me! It's your life and if dating your first love is your happiness then go for it! Istg Vi one more fucking time you tryna sacrifice for me-"

"OKAY OKAY I WILL CONFESS TO JORDAN! Now get off me the rock!"

"That's what I wanna hear." Valerie smiled.

"Bruh I miss us laughing like this!" Veronica said.

"Exactly so move your ass here and leave Texas."

"But I can't." Veronica frowned.

"Why? Because of Mr Charles? But you improved alot Vonnie, I'm sure your father will say okay." Violet said confidently.

"No it's not that. Just... I have to leave Lucas and-"

"Oh I see, you think Lucas is more important than us." Valerie rolled her eyes.

"Stfu Val. Now imagine that you're in his shoes, your friends left you because of a stupid rumor and your own family don't like you because your passion seem stupid for them. How will you feel?"

"I feel lonely although I have everyone?"

"EXACTLY! Lucas always told me that it's because of me, he's still alive. He said that I'm his new hope."

"So he's basically not alive until he found you?"

"He'd never lived before my love." Veronica smile weakly.

"Damn Vonnie look at what you found at Texas, a soulmate!"

"Yea never have I thought that being sent to Texas will give me this. The only punishment was that I couldn't meet you two and my dad but other than that Texas was hella fun!"

"So you won't come to Florida again?"

"I will Vi but after I'm done with high school. I believed that in two years, Lucas will be more mentally stable. Now is too early babe."

"No problem Vonnie, we can always spend time together during summer break but no matter what, we are never being apart." Valerie said as she took out a peace sign indicating a "v", their group symbol.


*Next chapter will be about Felicia and Ben. Thank you sm for reading and do vote! ❤️

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