Part 36

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Part 36:

It was almost a surprise when we found that we reached the studio just as Leviathan reached it. Perhaps it was its- or his (whatever you prefer to refer a demon as) –unfamiliarity with the surrounding that got it lost. But one way or another, Leviathan found its way here.

The dragon’s eyes widened in surprise when Dante fired the announcing shot at its tiny legs, but it didn’t seem to affect Leviathan either. The hard scales that covered the dragon-beast had ensured protection against Dante’s bullets.

It seemed like no one had informed the studio of a dragon’s attack, since I hadn’t seen anyone screaming and running. Taking a quick glance through the window, I realized that the kids and the staff were so busy that no one bothered to look out the window –to see a dragon advancing on them.

I saw Patty too –dressed up in a cute tutu –ready to be a swan.

“Your girlfriends may be your weakness, but I know that someone else holds that weaknesses in all of your hearts! The girl!” Leviathan announced as it faced us down. We were no longer in the mood for bickering or chatting.

Patty’s performance was coming up soon, and we weren’t about to let Leviathan ruin it before it could even start. Much as we would all like to deny, it was true. Patty was dear to us. Every one of us treated Patty like our younger sister. Even Dante, who would insult her on a regular basis. It was always nice to have someone like Patty around, someone who would always cheer us up no matter what.

And no matter what, we would protect Patty with our lives.

We watched as Leviathan reared back its head, ready to breathe fire at the small two-floored building, ready to kill everyone inside. Everyone who were innocent. Everyone who only had young dreams. Everyone who took this performance seriously.

“Oh no, you don’t!” Nero yelled as he reached with his demonic arm. I watched as the larger, translucent version of that hand grab the face of Leviathan, forcing its head upwards as a column of flame exploded from its mouth. As quickly as it happened, Nero staggered back, shaking his arm.

I could smell the acrid smell of charred flesh.

“Nero!” Kyrie exclaimed worriedly, but the kid was still holding up fine.

“Go, Kyrie! Save the kids.” Nero urged. I nodded to Trish, beckoning for her to do the same. Lady volunteered herself as the girls made a mad dash towards the building, leaving us guys to deal with the demon prince.

Leviathan didn’t seem up for more chat, as I watched while it flung an energy ball towards the building. Dante jumped, trying to intercept it, but ended up taking the blow as he was propelled towards the building. There was a loud crash as Dante went in through the roof, and I heard screams from the many kids inside.

“Leave our friends alone!” I declared as I jumped up, doing a series of quick air-slashes in succession. Though each one of them didn’t seem to hurt the dragon, aiming all of the air-slashes at the same place had to hurt. Landing perfectly on the ground, I smirked as blood began to seep through the hard scales, as if I had cut in deep.

I spared a quick glance over to the building with the crashed roof, watching as wild-eyed kids were ushered out running of the building by the ladies and the staff. Many of them were in horrified and shocked tears, but of them all, I saw a determined, fearless face.

“Show that demon what’s hell, Vergil! Go, Vergil! I’ll be cheering for you!” Madeline yelled from the crowd, and I stopped to give her a thumb up before she was swallowed away by the crowd of kids.

Dante jumped from the rubble, landing beside me, watching as Madeline disappeared with the crowd of kids.

“What the hell, man? How come you get fans, and I get no one cheering for me?” Dante demanded as we both turned to the furious demon prince. We could only assume that Patty had been ushered out of the building along with the kids, though I hadn’t seen her leave the building. For now, we could have a good fight without worrying about the well-being of the kids.

Living with Dante {Devil May Cry fanfic~} #1Where stories live. Discover now