Part 40

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A/N: It's going to end! Living with Dante is going to end~ How was the story so far? Should there be a sequel? Please comment! XD

Part 40:

Damon’s P.O.V

“Today, I am especially glad to tell you two pieces of news that I’m sure most of you already know!” Dad spoke through the microphone with a wide grin, as if he was genuinely happy. The last time I saw an emotion like that on him, was when his rival company went bankrupt.

“First: I hereby officially announce that my son, Damon Kries, has returned! He –true to speculation –had been kidnapped and drugged. For one year, we tried our very best to find him, and yet, he was the one who appeared to us on his own!” Dad announced, bringing a round of thundering applause as I stepped up the stage to stand alongside him with a bright smile. Man, the amount of people gathered here were pretty staggering. I didn’t know Dad invited so many people over here.

He must be really happy about today, I guess.

I heard a few catcalls and a few shouts of my name from the corner where my friends were gathered and gave them a thumb up. It had been long since I last saw them; especially Zach. I missed the time we spent together. My eyes met Marcy’s at the side, and grinned in reply to her.

“Next: I want you all to officially meet my second son and my wife! Let us all welcome Erica and Daniel Kries!” Dad declared, and another round of applause broke out –this time a little softer. Daniel had not been exposing himself to town recently, so not many people still knew of his existence. Mum, on the other hand, had been going around, making friends with everyone, thanking them for ‘taking care’ of me.

“Daniel, as you can see, is Damon’s twin. The two have been living in France until now.” Dad explained, though I could see he was getting a little too out of words.

I sighed, watching as Mum dragged my brother up the stage. Dad couldn’t have made a bigger mistake than this. Gathering everyone around just to boast that he actually had another son? It didn’t matter to the townspeople around here, but it mattered when Dad took the microphone. The problem was that Dad had never been a peoples’ person. He didn’t know how to stand up on stage, to usher the crowd. He could head meetings at Kries tech, but could not head a town gathering even if his life depended on it.

“I…uh…” He began to stumble and falter as he ran out of things to say. Marcy’s face grew a little more panicked when she recognized what was about to happen. Below the stage, Marcy began waving her arms, trying to get my attention.

I sighed again, rolling my eyes. Dad never should have done this. He is never a good father, and he is worse as a host.

Stepping up, I was ready to take the microphone from him, to save the day, but Daniel surprised me instead by tapping Dad on the shoulder, taking Dad’s mike.

“We all know that my Pop’s here isn’t a good speaker, so we’d better save him the trouble, eh?” He spoke fluidly into the microphone. Even after three months, Daniel still had an inkling of his French accent. I guess it would take him some time to wash away the accent that he had built up for twenty-one years completely.

The crowd stirred with light laughter as Dad’s face turned beet red. Mum took his hands and gave him a sympathetic look, but she was smiling faintly too.

“Look, I know it’s kind of hard to accept. I’ve been M.I.A since I was born, so you guys probably don’t even know I exist. But let me tell you that I’m here to stay. Damon’s still going to be the heir for Kries Tech, but I’m still going to be around. Let’s just say I’m tagging on his coattails.” Daniel paused, giving me a sideways glance while I rolled my eyes again.

Living with Dante {Devil May Cry fanfic~} #1Where stories live. Discover now