Part 30

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Part 30:

Daniel’s P.O.V

I put down the phone, feeling a little worried. Mère had never sounded so sad since I wished to stay in America by Père’s side on my twelfth birthday. I had never known of my true family, and from what I knew, my siblings didn’t either.

I sure flew into a rage when Mère told me about Marcy and Damon and why I was the only one to be sent here to Paris. But Père flew over and brought evidence. All the while, I thought Kevin had an affair in America. Never had I expected that I was… the unwanted child.

Put in simpler words, I was the back-up plan. And right now, Plan B was put in work, because Damon had gone missing.

It was a little hard to take initially. Who wants to be told that you were sent away to escape from a brotherly competition over your father’s technological empire, and then forced to study to take over the reins of that company that was not meant to be yours, but your twin brother’s?

I got pissed. I ran from home. I stayed with my friend. I snuck into my mother’s fashion designing workshop and practically lived there. Until Mère caught me one night, and crying, spoke of her utmost regret to me.

Then I realized. Kevin and Erica’s decision had caused many to suffer. They knew that their decision had let many people down.

The only thing was; they let down Damon the most. And now that he was missing, there was no way in hell that they could ever express their apology to him.

So I sucked back up all my anger and hatred, and began to see their painful efforts to apologize to their children. They decided that it was time for me to meet my sister, and it was time to be a happy family all over again. Mère moved to America after she recovered from her lung infection, preparing my sister for the existence of another second brother. I wondered what she would do on the day of our meeting.

What would we talk about? Damon, my twin brother whom I had never seen before? Our parents? Devil May Cry?

I have to admit, much as I am a twenty-one year old man, I am still pretty much a hopeless fan of Devil May Cry. Initially, it seemed funny to play a game in which the main character looked like me. Afterwards, it got really addictive, and I realized that Dante, in actual fact, seemed almost like me –in character, of course.

I’d been chasing after Devil May Cry ever since and even won a prize at an anime fair for being the best cosplay. Some people thought I went through plastic surgery to get that face. I merely laughed at that. It was nothing but natural genes.

Devil May Cry pretty much became an addiction to me. I spent days queuing for the limited edition figurines of Devil May Cry. I even had a limited edition figurine of Dante and Vergil, in which I heard there was only ten in the entire world. My favorite was the third installment. After all, I pretty much fell in love with Lady, whom seemed so innocently fierce. Mère laughed at me for falling in love with an animated woman, but I guessed Marcy had it the same. Maybe Marcy loved Dante.

I wondered briefly how life must be like for Damon. From what I knew, Damon bought the game for Marcy for her birthday, thinking it was funny for her to play a game with his doppelganger, ending up with Marcy hooked. Damon had to suffer Marcy’s screaming that he cosplay, in which he flatly refused. But it didn’t seem to stop our sister. From what Père told me, Marcy went to lengths of getting a motorcycle for Damon, signing it under Damon’s name and forging his signature on the deed. Afterwards, she had it spray-painted till it looked like Dante’s bike, and called it his birthday present.

I wondered how she did it.

Back to reality, I had been put on a plane from France, flying back to America, and had been placed in a hotel in town. I had been stuffed here, waiting till Marcy was ready, waiting till I was done studying to take over the reins of the company. According to Père –no, Father –I had only two more years. When I turned twenty-three, the company was mine.

Living with Dante {Devil May Cry fanfic~} #1Where stories live. Discover now