Part 27

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Part 27:

Third person's P.O.V

She left her husband on the phone, talking to a major client. No matter how much of a conversation they had these days, there was still a shadow hanging over their marriage. The fact that a mistake had been made between them; the fact that they had lost their flesh and blood made nothing seem better.

Erica Kries was distraught. She had thought going to Paris and living there would make things better for her family. She had not realized what kind of a father her husband would make. She had only thought for the well-being of her child. She tried to come back as often as she could, but nothing changed the fact that she had only returned to visit her children only a grand total of just ten times. No, she had never celebrated their birthdays. No, she had never visited them for Christmas.

Not even a single present had been mailed to them.

And now that her son was gone, there was only one thing she could do.

Give up her fashion line in Paris and move back to America. Give up her successful career, for her lovely fourteen-year old daughter who had loved her every single time she returned for visits.

Erica loved the time she began spending with her daughter when she moved back. She loved the shopping trips they had, the countless gossips they shared. She lent a listening ear to her child, listening to the complaints of how her husband had been too caught up to properly care for Marcy.

But that was Kevin Kries. Erica knew very well who she was married to. Kevin could never properly bring his mind away from his empire. Of course, they did share proper, true love. But Kevin was never an affectionate man. No, Kevin was always business-minded. Kevin was no family man. And Erica should have known that when she left her children with him. But what could she have done?

Yes, she was trying to make it up to her daughter. She was trying to make up for the fourteen years lost between them. And so far, she was succeeding. Marcy was as close to her like any daughter would to her mother.

But something still hung over Erica's head. How was she ever going to make up to her son? Twenty-one years of age, and she had met Damon only ten times in his entire life. Every time she came, she could not help but feel guilt as she looked on towards his cold, aloof exterior. He almost never talked to her, and when she asked concerned questions about his life, she only got one-worded answers.

He hated her. Damon hated his mother, because Erica had never been there for him throughout his twenty-one years of life. And before she could begin to make it up to him, he was gone.

Just like that.

Erica walked away from her husband's office, to the corridor of mansion that was her home now. It was funny; how this place had been her home for twenty-one years, and she still had no idea how to navigate through the mansion.

She walked towards her daughter's room, thinking to check on how Marcy's homework was getting on. She knew that her children all had high IQ -owing to Kevin's genes -but it never failed to amaze how at the lengths of Marcy's added intellect. At fourteen years old, Marcy already knew her Calculus at a standard of Grade Ten. The sciences that Marcy now studied were the Grade Eleventh-equivalent.

And here Marcy kept on saying -that her brother Damon was way better than her when he was her age.

Erica stopped outside Marcy's door, staring at the poster of a white-haired, red-clad animated man. She was familiar with the sword that hung on this man's back; the two guns that were held in both hands. She was familiar with the smirk, that face.

This was Dante -the main character of Marcy's favorite videogame. One of the first few things Erica learnt from her daughter was that Marcy loved the game more than anything. Anyone could lock Marcy up with the few Devil May Cry games, and Marcy would be content for weeks on end.

Living with Dante {Devil May Cry fanfic~} #1Where stories live. Discover now