Part 24

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Part 24:

Dante’s P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of banging on my table, so it’s natural that I get pissed off. What’s wrong with Vergil banging the bloody table? He wanted to make banging noises; he had better bring it somewhere. And if he wanted to bang anyone, he had better be inviting me for a three-way, or bringing it upstairs.

“Oy, what the hell is wrong with you? Can’t you just tone it down a bit, you little ass?” I mumbled sleepily, cracking my eyes open for a little.

“If you open half your eyes, Dante, you’ll see I’m kind of busy. So if you want the banging to stop, you’ve got to change chairs.” Vergil replies with his usual tone, but I heard something different in it. There was more growl.

“If that’s a ruse to get my butt out of my chair, then I’m not moving.” I shifted a little, crossing my one leg over the other on the table and closing my eyes.

“Fine.” He grumbles, and then there’s another bang. This time, it was louder, and my entire desk vibrated. “Then make friends with that dead demon over there. I’ll ask you to mind your clothes about his blood, but I guess you wouldn’t care, right?”

Curious about his words about the dead demon, I cracked my eyes open again. And I stared straight into the face of a cat. A freaking, dead, demon cat. With its throat split open. And its blood spilling all over my table. All. Over. Mahogany.

“Watch the table!” I yelled as I jumped up, snatching Mum’s photo off the desk. Vergil always laughs at my sensitivity about throwing things on the table, but he doesn’t get that I’m just trying to keep Mum’s photo around. That’s all I had left of her, save her amulet. That’s all we had left.

“Oh, look who’s awake. Go say hi, won’t you, you bloody demon?” Vergil heard me, but didn’t address me, talking to the furry bear-looking thing he had in grasped and hoisted up in his hand. It was leaking blood from a severe cut in its abdomen too.

“I… Will… Never… Yield… son… of… Sparda!” I admit, it kind of surprised me that the demon could still speak. With Vergil’s sadistic streak? It should have long died.

“Yield? Whatever for? I’m just asking you to say hi to Dante. Come on. Don’t be rude.” Vergil grinned sadistically, and I am reminded of how he looked when he put Yamato through my abdomen at the top of Temen-Ni-Gru.

Before anyone of us has anything more to say, Vergil turns around and throws the entire weight of the bloody bear-demon at me. “Say hi to Dante!” he yelled after the dying demon, as its limp frame made for me.

In that span of second, there were only two things I could do. Let the lump of flesh meet me and drag me across the room, ending me bloody, or jump out of the way, and end the floor up bloody.

I chose the latter, jumping out of the way just in time as the bear-demon crashed into the body of its dead comrade.

“Watch the fucking table! How many times must I tell you?” I shouted back at Vergil. I was getting more pissed off at the fact that he was trying to color the table red than the fact he threw a demon at me.

“Oops. Sorry. By the way, you owe me for saving your ass.” He replied with a nonchalant shrug, cleaning the blood off his sword with a rag on the floor at his feet, before I watched him slide Yamato back into its sheath. After so many years, I was kind of jealous that Sparda gave him Yamato. Okay, I got Rebellion. But Yamato was so much cooler than Rebellion. Not that I was about to admit to him anytime soon.

“Who don’t I owe, bro? What I owe you is just a tip off the iceberg. Besides, what’s this business with throwing demons on my desk? What were these things asking for?”

Living with Dante {Devil May Cry fanfic~} #1Where stories live. Discover now