Chapter 48

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Sofia's POV
This drama is starting to get on my nerve, my gosh! Remind me to stop watching drama movies.

"Sofia, surprise !" Landon call from behind

"Surprise?" I look at him

"I am- I mean we are the surprise"

"Thanks for checking up on me" I smile at them "But I'm fine. Really"

"Shut up will ya? And just enjoy the company with 3 handsome boys" Alexander said as he took a seat beside me

"You know Sofia, you don't have to be upset. Because we all know that he's not himself" Landon say as he's hands are place in the side pocket of his pants

"I know. I'm not even upset at all. Just-"

"Just what?" Landon ask

"Just the drama" I say as I let out a sigh "That are cause by Khole"

"What do you expect? Peace with Khole?" Grover say as he look at us

"There will be no peace. Just war!" I look at them

"Sofia" Landon look at me "THERE'S A WAR COMING UP FOR SURE!" he then started laughing

"Of course, but please no canon or any weapons" Grover say

"Dude, no weapons no fun" Alexander say while Landon started booing Grover

"You guys are insane" he look at us with an unbelievable expression

"That's why destiny brought us together" Alexander say as he put he's hand over my shoulder

"How on earth am I friends with you guys again" Grover groan

"Because you've been FOOLED by our fake smart face!" Landon then started laughing

Grover then look at them with a 'guys seriously? ' face

"Dude don't act like your cold and all. I know you have a fun side as well " Alexander gave him a smile

"I wonder why did Cass even like a cold boy like you" I smirk at him

He then look at me with his face started turning red "Be-because she loves me"

"Dude are you blushing?" Landon then went over and put his hand over Grover's shoulder as he pull him down while messing his hair up

"No I'm not. And stop messing my hair up" Grover said in all annoyed but then suddenly he started laughing

"You should laugh more, you know Grov" Alexander smile at him as he went up and join the fun

These 3 boys had just made every frustration that were in me disappear into thin air.

And there's me seating on the bench smiling like a dork as I look at them play

"What are you guys doing here?" A voice ask

"Can't you see what are we doing?" Grover say as he stood up and fix himself while forcing himself to stop laughing

"I'm sorry I didn't notice" Hugo say as he then turn to me

"What are you looking at?" I said in annoyance

"I- You-" He then look down trying to find the right word to talk to me

"Whatever your trying to say. Keep it until you can speak a sentence properly" I say as I look at him

You can probably see the sadness in his eyes. Yes I know the way I respond to him is harsh, but hey the time he push me away? The time that he somehow always jumps into conclusion saying that I am the predator that who is trying to harm his little lamb? Isn't that hurtful, seeing the one that you love saying all those hurtful stuff towards you?

"I'm sorry" He then look away

Silence then starts to fill up the area around us.

"This is awkward...." Alexander says as he breaks the silence

"I know right" Landon say as he look at his watch

"Oh no look at the time. You guys gotta go back to practice" Landon say in fake shock accent

"Well not for me" I say

"What?" Hugo and Grover spoke at the same time

"Sofia, what I say earlier. I was just-" Hugo say as he came closer to me

I put  my hand up signaling him not to come closer to me "Save it buddy. You can tell me after your fully awake"

"Awake?" Hugo look at me in confuse

"Look" Landon punch Alexander elbow "He's confusion face is priceless!"

The both of them then started laughing like donkeys as they fall onto the ground

"It's not funny guys" Hugo say as he roll his eyes

"Are you sure Sofia?" Grover ask "You can try to talk with the teachers"

"I think I'm sure.... But I still have to go to the rink anyways. So let's go" I then stood up and walk away with Grover beside me while Hugo is walking behind us

"Students I see all of you are back from your lunch break" Ms Indie say "Now just rest for a while before continuing your practice, we don't want any muscle cramp happening to all of you"

"Sofia could you come here for a moment?" Ms Adeline call


I then walk up to the both of the teacher who were seating at the bleachers

"So what's your anwser?" Ms Indie ask

"I-" I then took a deep breath before continuing "I don't think I want to perform"

"Sofia..." Ms Adeline said

"Well I have an idea" Ms Indie say "If your up for it"

"Ummm why don't you tell me first?" I said

"Well, all of us know that Khole doesn't know how to skate"

They knew? But why is she still performing? Money? I know this isn't a competition but she stole Hugo my 'dance partner' a few months back

"The question is are you up for being a backup dancer for Hugo? Or for all of them if anything happens? "

"I'll be a backup dancer for all if something happens " I agree

Why did I agree? Because ice skating is part of my life people. I know its confusing but it's hard for me to not say no to ice dancing

"Of course Sofia" Ms Adeline said "I belive you can catch up on their routine in no time"

I then thank the teachers while I walk up to the groups as I explain everything to them

And for the rest of the practice hour, all I do is focusing on the groups routine.

This is gonna be a challenge for me. 3 days till rehearsal, 5 more days till the recital.

I LOVE YOU TILL NOW--HUGFIA FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now