Chapter 2 (Part 2)

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I woke to the oozing pain I felt on my leg. It was stinging. I opened my eyes to find myself on a bed in a small room. There's a small couch to my right, and a table with food. There were flowers everywhere along with Get Well Soon cards.

I was in a hospital.

There was a nurse putting some kind of ointment on a wound on my leg. When she saw I was awake, she looked shocked, but in a good way. She smiled and paused whatever it was she was doing to my leg. She got up and opened the door halfway, and called for someone. My mom.

She walked in with a face full of worry, but when she saw me, her face softened into a smile. I saw her tension release her body. "Thank goodness," she muttered. "How are you feeling?"

"Confused," I replied truthfully. I honestly had no idea what was happening. "What am I doing here?"

"You went surfing yesterday, remember?" I did remember. That was what I remember last doing. "You got wiped out, and couldn't get back up because of the waves, and then you passed out. You've been unconscious for a few hours now."

My confusion only built. I remembered nothing that mom was telling me. "Wait," I said, "How did I end up here then?"

"A boy brought you here. He pulled you from underwater and rushed you here."

"Who?" My curiosity ate at my brain.

"I don't know, Stells," she replied, sighing. "He left before I got here, and for some bizarre reason, he didn't leave his name."

"So, some guy just saved my life?"

She let out another sigh. "Yeah, I guess that's the situation. You really don't remember a thing?"

I searched my mind for something to show me what happened. It gave me an ache, but once I found it, I replayed it in my head. I remembered surfing, I remembered drowning, I remembered someone pulling me back up, but I didn't remember who it was. Most of what I was able to recollect were blurred visions, though. Frustration built and I suddenly felt completely restless.

"I'm just going to talk to the doctor." she said as she came over and kissed my forehead.

Right when she left, I turned on the TV in the room, and reached over for the food on the table next to me. As I ate, I watched the marathon of Friends on TV. After around 6 episodes, someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" I called out.

The door slowly opened. I expected it to be mom or dad or Dylan, but it was Kianna. I was so pleased to see her.

She pouted her lips and then laughed. "How did this even happen, Stells?" she asked as she sat on the couch next to me.

I let out a sigh and told her what I remembered, which wasn't a lot, unfortunately. As I narrated the story, her face gradually turned into a face of shock and confusion. I wanted to laugh because she looked hilarious, but I couldn't because I felt the exact same way about the situation.

"So let me get this straight," she began right after I finished, "a random guy saves your life and wants no credit whatsoever?"

I shrugged. "I guess so."

She slumped into the couch and shook her head. Her face drifted from confused and shocked to completely annoyed. "What now?"

"I'm gonna find whoever this was," I told her.


The following day, I was able to get a cast around my lower left leg and crutches. Apparently, while I was underwater, my leg might have hit some corals which broke my bone. It must have been a hard hit for it to merit more than just a wound. I was a little bit relieved I didn't remember the pain.

I got home at around three in the afternoon. Kianna was in the living room watching her brother Matt play video games with Dylan. Matt was a year older than Dylan, and they were nearly as close as Kianna and I were.

"Hey," I greeted. Kianna turned and smiled at me. The two boys didn't do half as much.

Kianna got up and helped me with my bag. My dad carried the rest of my stuff, walking behind me. I struggled a little with my crutches, but once I got my stance, I made my way to my room with Kianna following me.

I sat on my bed slowly and out my crutches down on the floor. Kianna sat on my purple bean bag chair and turned on the TV. She went all giddy when she saw that America's Next Top Model was on. She explained how it was the finale, but I had no interest. These things didn't appeal to me.

I looked out my window and saw the beach, with a lot of people in the water. The waves looked great that day. I sighed. I'd have to live through two months without surfing, and it already felt like torture.

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