Chapter 3

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Three weeks later:

I woke up on the first day of school to the annoying sounds of my alarm. I hit the snooze button twenty times before mom shot through the door and shook me up. I groaned. I hated waking up early, but my mom was insistent. I sat up all grouchy and started getting ready.

I took a cold shower and got changed. I wore a pink shirt, along with my white cut-offs and my white Chuck Taylors.

After breakfast, Kianna came over to pick me up. She rang our doorbell twice before I came out. When I did, she had moved to the car to wait for me. The moment she saw me, she turned to me and signaled to go faster. "I'm sorry but I've got three legs." I said flatly. She rolled her eyes, and opened the door for me to the passenger seat.

Handon High was about ten minutes from my place by car. It was a big high school. The types that are usually seen in movies. I felt a bit queasy. I'd never been the new kid before and didn't know what to expect. Would people like me? Would they even notice me? Would I be a loner without Kianna?

Entering the doors already gave me a rush. One, I have this stupid injury that gathers attention, and two, Kianna knew everyone and everyone knew Kianna, so I was a little uncomfortable having to walk next to her.

We first went to the principal's office to get my schedule and my locker assignment. After I got them both, Kianna showed me where my locker was. It was hard getting around the halls and up and down the stairs with my crutches but Kianna was insanely helpful and patient, even with everyone fighting for her attention. She never mentioned it, but I already gathered that she was a popular girl. How could I not have seen it? Cheerleader, pretty, fit and more pretty.

I set up a code for my locker as soon as we got to it, and put my unneeded books inside. According to my schedule, I'd only need my Chemistry book, English book and my History book, which were my first periods. After those three, we had lunch, which was different compared to my school in New York. There, you have a certain period for break and it varied through different groups of people. Like, some people would have break at nine, and others at twelve. Here at Haden High, everyone had breaks together. It was a small school, though, so I could easily understand why.

After setting everything up, Kianna showed me the lab. Apparently, she and I had Chemistry together. I was glad about that, so I wouldn't be let alone. The lab had a long line of students outside. Kianna started walking, taking me to a girl. She had wavy red hair, wore denim cut offs, and a pair of white Toms. Her shades rested on her head. "Hey Lilia," Kianna called out.

The girl turned around and smiled at Kianna. "Hey, Kia." She said walking over to hug her.

I stood awkwardly next to them. "This is Stella," Kianna introduced me. I gave a soft smile and a wave.

"Geez," Lilia siad, "You're pretty."

I smiled shyly and thanked her. But she was pretty, too. Her red hair really made her stand out.

"What's with the line?" Kianna asked.

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