Chapter 8 - Colin

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The morning of our date, I had already laid out what I was to change to as soon as I got home from school. I felt like a girl. But I did want Stella to like me. I wanted to be more than friends, because I know Stella as friend, well that's pure awesomeness itself. But in my mind, her as my girlfriend, unexplainable.

I practiced some prize-winning lines to sweep Stella off her feet. I had to win her over. Especially since I had a strong feeling she liked Josh. She laughed at all his jokes, walked with him to the cafeteria. I used to be the one who would help her out with her books. I used to be the one she had that sparkle in her eyes for. Not Josh. That's why tonight, is my chance. To finally have her back.

I saw Stella that day while she got her books from her before lunch. I rushed toward her. "Hey, Stells," I greeted.

She smiled at me. "Hey," she greeted back.

"So," I started. "I'll pick you up tonight at six?"

"Yeah," she said all too quick. Probably a signal to back off, but I needed her back. I got her books, and walked with her to the cafeteria.

I tried impressing Stella. I walked backwards, one arm carrying her books, and the other in my pocket. "So, I'm taking you to Graham's." Graham's is a really expensive steak house.

"Ooh," she said making a face. "Expensive there, isn't it?"

I scoffed and shrugged my shoulders. "I'll pay, don't worry.

She pressed her lips together and nodded. I started enumerating the usual specials at Graham's, still walking backwards. She didn't talk at all on the way to the cafeteria. She just smiled and nodded, the same way I do when I don't listen in classes. I tried a better topic, so I started talking about how terrible Mr. Douglas, our Gym teacher was at English. He's Latin. In the middle of my impression, I tripped over a bag in the middle of the hallway. "Damn," I thought to myself. I looked at her, laughing like crazy, but hiding it behind her hand. "Are you okay?" she asked, still laughing.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, getting up. There were now a bunch of people laughing at me. Stella's books were now strewn all over the floor. As soon as I got up I started picking her books up. The rest of the people left, but I heard Stella still laughing behind me.

We headed over to our table. Kianna and Josh were the only ones there. "Hey, guys," Josh greeted us. I helped Stella take her seat. I hoped I wouldn't fall over. I sat on the chair across her and next to Kianna.

"You won't believe what happened," Stella announced, with a laugh. I stood and leaned into her, covering her mouth with my left hand.

"Please," I mouthed, making a sympathetic face. She nodded and put my hand away. When I took my seat, well I actually didn't. Apparently, my seat fell over when I stood up, so I sat on air, which brought me to the concrete floor of our cafeteria. Everyone laughed. I stood up immediately. So far today is not one of my favorites.

Josh had his arm over Stella while he laughed. His head was on the table, banging his hand out of the laughter. "I can't breathe," he yelled, his laugh so vivid.

Stella's mouth was moving, but no sound came out. She was laughing, though. She held up two fingers, probably a sign that I had two falls that day. Maybe I was trying too hard to impress her, or whatever.

When I finished my salad and soda, I excused myself to the bathroom. I walked through the empty hallways, banging on the lockers. I was so pissed. Stella thought I was losing it. I could hear it in her laugh. When I passed Josh's locker, I stopped. I banged on it so hard, I think I summoned the dead in the cemetery thirty blocks away. I stopped and went on walking to the bathroom. I didn't need to go to the bathroom, though. I just needed a minute to rage. I stopped by the water fountain. I leaned on the wall next to it and sunk on to the floor, my hands inching up to my face. Worst part: when I sat down, I sat on spilled water from the fountain. Oh, what a marvelous day.

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