Chapter 1

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I could clearly hear the loud screams of my best friend, Kianna, as I rode through the perfect wave. The water was clear, the waves were smooth and nothing else seemed to be so perfect. Sunset surfing, we called it, Kianna and I. It felt so good to be back in the water, riding each wave like the first. Now, if you don't know, the first wave you catch ever in your life, will always be the one so full of rush. The first time you get up on your board, the first time you're actually on balance. Except, with me, I try to make sure I feel this every time I pop up on a new wave.

My friend Kianna and I have been inseparable ever since the age of five. She moved in from Hawaii that year and she didn't really know anyone, so our parents basically set play dates with each other. Ever since then, from those little girls playing with our Barbie dolls, to painting each other's toenails, and even getting up on that first wave at that water park so long ago, Kianna and I hadn't been distant.

The thing is, when we were fourteen, Kianna's grandmother got really sick, so they moved back to Hawaii to spend as much time with her as they could. I was obviously devastated, with my best friend moving miles away. But, my parents told me that one day, after we'd been saving for a couple years, we'd get a house close to Kianna's and close to the water, it won't feel like anything but home.

And here I was, two years later. Surfing it up with my best friend by my side again. Kind of cheesy story, I know.

After falling back into the water after, maybe my twentieth wave that day, Kianna paddled over. "God, how the hell are you so good? You lived in New York. It's practically frozen there all year long," she said. As much as she was trying to be serious, she laughed along with me.

"You're an amazing surfer too, you know. You just never give yourself enough credit," I told her. She splashed water in my face, and I splashed some to her.

"I'm tired, man, let's go back," she begged. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, go and fall asleep at home," I said, "I'll meet you there in a few, I promise. Last few ones."

She nodded and paddled off, as I paddled out. I wanted at least one more wave to end the day. I ended up catching the biggest one yet. It even allowed me a small tube section where I gladly ducked down and rode through. I felt the rush, and at the same time the calmness I always found in surfing.

After, I did nothing but sit on my board, watching the sun set before the waves. The water turned to light orangey-blue color. I stared up into the sky, and thanked the heavens that this was my beautiful reality at last. No more cold winters, no more snow, and no more waiting to surf. This was my backyard, my playground. I could do it whenever I wanted.

As I let this all soak in, I realized there was a boy, staring at me from my right. I didn't want to look at first, but it had been too long, so I turned and asked, "Is there something I can help you with?" I didn't want to sound mean, it just came out that way.

"No, you were just really good out there. Saw you a couple times," he said, smiling.

"Oh, sorry. I thought it was some sort of offensive gesture slash stare," I said, feeling embarrassed. But of course, being raised in New York, it came to me like a natural instinct.

"Hey, it's cool," he said. "I also saw you talking to Kianna, and I was just wondering whether or not you were that Stella girl she kept mentioning."

I smiled, and looked down at the water, then back up at him. I hadn't even noticed him. He had dark hair, that went perfectly with his evenly tanned skin. He wore red board shorts, some kind of necklace around his neck. In all honesty, he was extremely cute.

"Well, I am Stella," I told him. "How do you know Kianna?"

"Kianna and I are good friends. We hang with the same group of people, at least. I'm Colin, by the way."

I smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm actually headed back, so," I said.

"I'll paddle back with you," he offered.

As we paddled, he told me a little about the place and where he lived. His house was four houses from mine.

Upon reaching the shore, I couldn't help but let out a great sigh of relief. My arms were quite sore from those four hours of surfing. I got out of the water and held my board on my right side. I waved bye to Colin, and went for my house.

"Hey!" I heard form behind me. Colin had his phone out, and his board and a backpack on the sand. I walked back to him with a smile. "Could I maybe get your number?"

I think I might have felt flushed in that moment, because it was never the cute boys who wanted my number back in New York. It was always the nerdy, unlikable ones. Not that I had a problem with those guys. Although, I did have a boyfriend. A pretty serious one, too. Tobias. He ended it a couple days after I told him I was moving. I was pretty sad, because before that he said we'd try to do whatever it would take to make it work, but I guess he couldn't handle it.

So, I walked up to Colin, and I gave him my number. "Here," I said as I handed him his phone back.

"Thanks, Stella. I'll call you sometime, maybe ask for a surf lesson or two?"

We laughed. "All right."

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