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author's pov:

It was early morning and Colby wasn't feeling it. He was at school barely able to open his weary eyes, his hands slightly shaking from the sleep deprivation. It's been a while since he had a proper good night sleep and the effects were finally catching up to him.

In his hand he held a can of redbull, leaning against the wall staring at the lockers in front of him. He tried to ignore his jittery hands and his heart racing in his chest, tried to ignore how tired he was and stay awake for seven hours.

"You know that stuff is bad for you."

Colby looked up and cracked a small smile. "Hey, Elton."

"Everything alright? You're kind of just standing here alone," he asked, feeling a little concerned.

Colby took another sip of his drink and met his eyes, shrugging. Elton found it odd he wasn't with Sam or Brennen and wonders if maybe something happened. It was weird that Colby was just standing alone in the hallway staring at lockers while lost in deep thoughts.

"I actually wanted to ask you something," he started, ignoring Elton's questions related to his well-being, "It's kind of weird. Some of David's friends were acting weird and Heath asked for forgiveness...again."

Elton leaned against the lockers, surprised and suspicious.

"It gets better," he started, taking another sip of his redbull, "Jason, Liza, and Brandon tried pulling the same shit."

Brennen told Elton about what happened in the cafeteria and quickly realizes why Colby is acting the way he is. He makes the connection and assumes that Colby was probably mad or upset with Brennen and needed space.

"So my question is," he said, stretching his left arm, almost spilling his redbull, "Why would they do that?"

Although Elton knew it was odd, a part of him felt as if it really was genuine. That they actually felt bad. It's a little shocking since they all have done awful things to people and it took yelling and consequences of their actions to set them straight.

He sighed and said, "Maybe they actually felt sorry? Hard to tell without witnessing it."

Colby nodded and sighed, taking another small sip of his energy drink, ignoring the buzzing phone in his pocket.

"What'd you say anyways?"

"Nothin. I don't trust a word they say."

Elton understands that. He glances at Colby and watches as he sighs and takes another sip of his red bull, the bags under his eyes quite noticeable. He was out of energy and it made him feel bad.

As they stood there, Colby seemed to close his eyes for a few seconds, trying to rest them as much as he could. Elton watched him with concerned eyes, wondering what's going to happen. He feels bad for Colby.

Elton glanced to his side and noticed Toddy walking towards them, his hands in his hoodies pocket, a weird look on his face.

"Hey," said Toddy, surprising Elton.

Colby didn't respond. He didn't even open his eyes and just stood there, leaning against the bleak lockers holding an energy drink.

Toddy stood there awkwardly, glancing back and forth between Elton and Colby, unsure on what to do. Elton shrugged at him, refusing to say anything to him.



"Can we talk," he asked, glancing around the halls. Elton could only assume he was embarrassed to even be seen talking to them.

The New Kid // A Brolby FicWhere stories live. Discover now