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Author's note: sorry for the weird formatting if you're reading on mobile!


After that day, the new pair of friends were able to finish their project during the class time they were given. Colby was pretty confident with the work they've done and was hoping their presentation would be as good as their power point. They didn't have to present their seminar until the next week but Colby was already feeling butterflies in his stomach. He wasn't used to speaking in front of a large group of people. These people being strangers both helped and worsened the idea for him. On the one hand, he doesn't know any of these people which should make it easier but on the other hand, he did not want to make a bad impression or be made fun of by Brennen's friends. Hopefully everything could go smoothly for him.

But truthfully, presenting was actually the least of his worries right now. He had other things on his mind. Or more accurately, people. He didn't know why but Brennen has been flooding his thoughts lately and it's been sort of driving him nuts. Was it weird he kept thinking of Brennen? Kept thinking of their funny moments? That he kept thinking of his smile and laugh and how it made him all fuzzy that he was able to do that? Maybe he was overthinking this. Colby is just happy he has another friend. He's never been the best at making friends and always struggled being himself around people and breaking down any walls he has put around him. He was just thinking of some memories he had of the two of them together. It was totally normal.

But maybe it wasn't.

Was it normal that he kept thinking about the night they met? The way the blue lighting in the room bounced off him? The way he smiled at him when he first sat down in their English class? The side of Brennen not many people see? Was it normal to keep replaying that weird moment in the car? What even was that? 

Maybe he was overthinking this.

Either way, these thoughts were beginning to become distracting to him. Sam or Jake would usually catch him totally zoned out during a conversation whenever they'd hangout. 

You can't blame him though. That moment in the car was weird. Maybe he should stop thinking about it. 

He was in Chemistry class and had, unfortunately, totally zoned out from the lesson. Fuck. 

He turned to his left and met eyes with Corey, who looked just as confused and concerned as he did. Yup, he would be no help at all. The teacher had sat down in front of the computer and was working on who knows what. As he looked around he noticed everyone chatting and working on whatever homework they were assigned.

He turned to his right and asked a blond guy sitting next to him.

"Hey, do you know what's going on? I accidentally zoned out," Colby said.

"Join the club. No one knows what's going on. You can try reading the textbook even though we both know it'll be no help," he said, opening up the textbook and flipping to the lesson page. 

Colby started reading the page but stopped and sighed. He was reading over the same line but was retaining no information. 

"Yeah, this is pretty fuckin' useless," he said chuckling at himself. The guy smiled and shrugged. 

Brennen was the blame for this.


The school bell rung indicating the end of a school day and it didn't take long for the halls to begin flooding with people. Colby stood outside as the cool autumn breeze hit his face. He was waiting for the chaos to die down and walk home.  Colby eventually met up with Sam and Jake as they planned ealiar in the morning. 

The New Kid // A Brolby FicWhere stories live. Discover now