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Author's POV:

It was somehow November already, meaning Colby has been attending his new school for two months since he started in October. Two months and he still had no clue how things worked, who most of the teachers were, and most of the kids attending.

The Halloween craze quickly ended after some parties and celebrations. Most of the kids dressed up at school and attending Liza's party. Colby dressed up as a vampire so he had an excuse to wear all black and have fake blood on. Colby found that Brennen looked hot, though. He was dressed as a champion boxer who was shirtless but he got in trouble 20 minutes after he entered the school and was forced to either wear something under, or tie up his robe. Sam did a couple costume with Katrina and Jake was Dora. Colby never realized everyone at school dressed up for Halloween. Back at his old high school, the students rarely dressed up. Only a few liked dressing up.

Now that Halloween was over, everyone was getting ready for Christmas. Everyone would talk about Christmas and gifts and all that. Colby was pretty excited for Christmas break and all the cool decorations. 

It just sucked that California doesn't have snow. He still hasn't gotten the chance to experience snow. It's on a bucketlist. Is it as bad as the northerners say it is or are they just dramatic? Either way, he wanted to see that. At least Cali had fake snow and ice.

And speaking of ice, it wasn't that long ago that Colby was texting Brennen. He mentioned how he was bored and it's getting cold outside now that it's November and he wants to do something fun. 

Brennen told him to wait outside his place in ten minutes. Colby had no idea what Brennen had planned but he was excited. Despite his raging crush on him, he always had fun when he was with him and it's been a while since they've last properly hung out.

Colby wasn't sure what was planned but he decided to play it safe. He put on a yellow hoodie and black jeans so he wouldn't get dramatically cold this time. California doesn't typically get too cold for him but sometimes those damn nights were too much too handle. He doubts he'll survive anywhere up north or Canada or whatever.

Colby sat on his bed waiting for the right time to go outside. He fixed his hair a few times, nervously fidgeting with it, trying to make it perfect even though it already looked the best it could.

He was only waiting for two minutes but he was already bored and impatient. He sighed and left his room, gathering his things and making his way downstairs. As he was halfway down the stairs his phone dinged.

Bren: come outside bby

Colby rolled his eyes with a smile and quickly climbed down, putting on his shoes and walking out the door. 

He sat down and smiled at Brennen.

"Damn, Colby, stop lookin' so cute all the time," Brennen said

Colby laughed, "Sorry, can't control it, I guess i'm just naturally cute," he smiled

Brennen laughed, his eyebrows raised. He put the car in reverse and pulled out of his driveway and onto the street.

"So, what're we doing today?" Colby asked curiously, looking at his friend.

Brennen smiled and shook his head and said, "It's a surprise, Colby." 

"At least give me a hint," he said

"I can't, it'll spoil it." 

"Fine," Colby responded with a chuckle

Brennen drove for thirty minutes due to traffic being shitty but it didn't matter to Colby. He's always enjoyed car rides and he was with Brennen so he doesn't mind. When they finally arrived, Brennen parked the car and led Colby to their destination.

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