Making out

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Author's POV:

Colby was tired and not having it this morning. He went to bed pretty late last night texting Brennen and sending each other stupid memes. Now, it was 9am and he was exhausted. It was a Saturday, there should be no reason for him to be awake at this time right now, but here he was, lying in bed facing the ceiling.

His bare chest exposed as the covers only covered half his body. He watched his ceiling fan spinning hoping that can make him drowsy enough to fall back asleep. He heard some commotion downstairs and knew it was probably his mom and the dogs. 

Colby turned to his left side and faced the window that was left slightly opened and felt the cool morning wind cool up his room. He pulled the covers to cover more of his exposed skin. He forgot how cold it can get as the months neared winter. He wasn't really used to the cold so any weather that reflected the autumn and winter season affected him a lot. 

As he started at the window a few metres away from him, he felt his eyes begin to droop, and as much as he wanted to fall back asleep in peace he couldn't help but think about Brennen and how close they've grown over the past few weeks. They haven't really known each other for a long period of time but it felt like he has. It feels as if he's known Brennen his entire life and was glad to see that they were growing closer and opening up to each other more. Of course, he had Sam and Jake. They were also pretty close friends of his despite the time they've known each other but things felt different with Brennen. More intimate maybe. 

He was close with Sam and Jake and cherished the friendship he had with them but he doesn't get the same weird feeling in his chest when he thinks about them like he does when he thinks of Brennen. 

Maybe he's just excited that he has more than two friends. Typically, Colby has always had no more than three friends but situation was different and he didn't know how to explain it.

He quickly glanced at his phone for the time and saw only about forty minutes had passed. He so badly wanted to go back to bed and wake up three hours later but Brennen wouldn't leave his mind.


He wouldn't admit it out loud but ever since Colby's family had moved out to California there's been a huge improvement with his personal life. He had good friends and good people in his life, he actually went out more than once a month, and seemed genuinely more happy. California wasn't the best place and it certainly isn't a place he wants to live in forever but it was doing pretty well as a temporary home for him. Colby just seems to be happier and in a good place right now and it's mainly due to the good people in his life.

It was almost 3pm and Sam and Jake were on their way to Colby's to hang out. Colby wanted to see what was going on in their lives and just wanted good company. He remembers how Sam mentioned how he wanted to ask this girl Katrina out so he was waiting to see what happened. Colby somewhat remembers Jake mentioning a girl but he wasn't sure who it was since it was around then when he started to zone out and think about the man who occupied his thoughts for most hours of the day: Brennen.

Colby was surprised when he saw Sam and Jake enter his room randomly. It mostly startled him. 

He was confused as to how they got inside but apparently, according to Jake, Colby's mom was outside on the porch checking the mail when Sam and Jake arrived. She let them in and guided them to his room. He found that pretty odd. He thought that only happened in movies.

They joined Colby on his bed and all got comfortable. Colby and Sam lied on their stomachs while Jake just sat and leaned against the headboard of the bed.

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