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note: this might have a few typos so i apologize in advance.


author's pov:

Sam and Billy weren't lying when they said Elton would handle the situation. He somehow managed to get the photos taken down but the account remained up which meant they could easily repost it if they wanted to.

Colby was stressed, lying in bed reading the comments and tweets the kids at his school left, most of them negative but some supportive. He didn't realize how much homophobes there were at Polk High which was disappointing. Most of them were slurs and making inappropriate comments about them. He thought that given the year people would be more accepting and understanding.

Colby has been absent from school for about a day. He really didn't want to go back but he needed to. He was so close to finishing high school he couldn't quit now. He just had to remind himself that soon, in a few months, he won't ever have to see those people again – or so he hoped.

His friends were worried. They couldn't understand the situation and they never would but they could emphasize with Colby and Brennen, who were dismal from the current situation.

What everyone wanted to know was how the hell the account got the pictures of them kissing. The only way the account owner could've had the photos was either they somehow hacked into their phones icloud, one of their friends owns the account, or the friends spread the photos.

Either way, Colby couldn't stop thinking about the situation as it was consuming his life. Being outed by a mysterious account wasn't what he expected to happen when he transferred to Polk High. Why did everyone have to care so much about his sexual orientation? Why couldn't he live in peace.

He also couldn't stop thinking about the way Corey got up and defended him with no hesitation. He could've gotten suspended but he did it anyways.


Colby was really starting to regret leaving the comfort of his bedroom. His stomach churned once they stepped on school property, anxiety filling him as he watched some of the students in the corner smoking or on their phones.

Sam put an arm around him, trying his best to comfort his best friend. He wishes he could do more — fight the assholes who dared to say or do anything, stand up to dobrik's clique, or find out who ran the account. But he couldn't.

Instead, all he could do right now was comfort his friend which to Colby, was more than enough. He was happy that they stuck with him and didn't abandon him when shit hit the fan. He was so grateful for them.

Entering the school, Colby lined up to talk to the head of attendance to acquire a slip for his absence. Sam and Jake were near him, talking about video games and movies in hopes to distract him a little bit and not notice the stares and whispers.

Despite Colby's attempts to laugh and smile, his eyes could reveal it all. They held such sadness in them that would break anyone's heart if they saw it. It wasn't fair that this happened to him. Outing him wasn't right – especially when there were people at school who couldn't accept people's differences.

"Do you know if Bren is coming?" asked Sam, hoping that mentioning his boyfriend could spark even the smallest smile or happiness.

"Yeah. He's just picking up Billy but he'll be here, uh, soon I think," he said quietly.

Sam was going to respond until Toddy and Jason walked up to them, Colby's heart racing. He didn't meet their eyes until Jason called out to him, Toddy laughing at something he whispered.

The New Kid // A Brolby FicWhere stories live. Discover now