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Colby smiled to himself as he sat on Corey's bed, waiting for him to return from downstairs. It was nice to finally be in his own comfortable clothes and wear his favourite hoodie that he thought he'd never see again.

He was so grateful for the help Billy and Corey gave him and doesn't know how to thank them. He was a little surprised over their success, swearing that something surely would've gone wrong that night. He at least thought they would've noticed a small difference in his room and give him a call.

It was just him and Corey today, everyone else busy and taking a small break from school and other responsibilities. It was a stressful time for students of Polk High right now, everyone anxiously waiting for their college acceptance letters, hoping to get into their first choice school.

Colby didn't have much of a preference and was shifting his focus on different things like helping Corey deal with this whole Billy situation. He doesn't know what happened but he could understand the fear and panic Corey must be feeling, knowing how hard he might be beating himself over this—something he didn't have much control over.

From what Colby understood, Billy and Corey got high and shared a kiss that Billy quickly brushed off. No big deal right? It unfortunately wasn't that simple since Corey revealed that he really enjoyed the kiss despite not having much romantic feelings towards his Australian friend. It was a complicated story.

Corey walked in and handed Colby a water bottle, sitting next to him on the bed and loudly sighing. Colby turned to face him and saw Corey and that familiar thinking face. "We'll figure it out," assured Colby, opening the bottle and taking a small sip.

"It's just so fucked up you know?" he said, a small frown on his face. "We've gotten close lately and I never once felt any, uh, attraction towards him. Like I never once thought about kissing him but after that it's been all fucked up!"

Colby nodded in response, letting Corey let out all these confusing emotions. He knew Corey airing out his grievances would help him better understand the situation and allow him to calm down and feel better. All Colby could do was be supportive and lend some advice.

"So you don't like him?" asked Colby.

"I mean, I don't fantasize about dating him or anything. It's just weird 'cause I sort of wanna kiss him again?"

"Maybe it's because you haven't really done anything with a boy before so it's all new to you. You're probably not in love with him but just experiencing something new that you never really anticipated or thought about," he explained.

Corey nodded, a calmer expression on his face. "That makes sense," he mumbled, letting out a relieved breath. He was really stressed over this entire situation and was finally feeling some relief over his emotions and reaction.

"Thanks, Colby. I really appreciate your help and stuff," said Corey, a little shy which made Colby smile.


It was finally Friday, the group grateful that the weekend was only a few hours away. They needed a break from all the schoolwork and upcoming finals. Colby just wanted to lie down and watch tv or videos for a few hours and just relax.

He's been trying to suppress all the negative emotions trying to make their way onto the surface. He didn't want to focus on his home situation and the root of his problems. He rather forget everything and clear his mind, spend time with his friends and Brennen's family. He needed to unwind.

Despite his efforts, his friends could see through his small facade and knew that Colby wasn't as okay as he made it seem and was in fact, feeling a lot of negative emotions. They all felt for him and could only try and lighten up the situation.

The New Kid // A Brolby FicWhere stories live. Discover now