Breaking In

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For once, Billy told Corey and Colby to meet him in the library and not the pit, something they never expected but weren't complaining about. The library usually was empty around this time and had a few secluded seating areas that allowed them to discuss their plans for tonight.

Colby yawned, barely able to keep his eyes open, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep with Brennen hugging him. "You okay?" asked Corey, his hand resting on Colby's shoulder with a concerned look on his face.

Colby simply nodded, assuring Corey he was okay and just tired from a few restless nights. He figures it's the stress he's been dealing with that's preventing him from sleeping. He wonders what could be done to fix it, to de-stress and to finally relax.

"Slept badly? Same here. My fuckin neck hurts," said Billy, earning a small but genuine smile from Colby.

Corey rolled his eyes, trying to shove yesterday's memories to the back of his mind and focus at this instead. He rather not let last night's events get to him, knowing it wasn't serious. If it was an issue, Billy would've had a different reaction and not be so calm over the whole ordeal. He wasn't going to focus on this.

"Corey? Jesus, everyone's out of it," said Billy, seemingly the only one fully there.

"Right the plan. Uh, my parents don't usually get back 'till six or seven, depending on the traffic," explained Colby.

"Do you still have the keys?"

"No, they took them," he said, a small frown on his face.

Corey shifted in his seat, watching the way Billy sat in his, his legs over one of the chair's armrest, his back against the other one, almost lying down. He sat in it as if he owned the place but it didn't matter because the librarians at this school didn't bother telling the seniors to sit properly.

"Do they keep a spare key anywhere?"

"No, they did it once back in Kansas and some weirdo broke in just to use our kitchen and bathroom. Since then they stopped hiding it," he explained.

Billy broke into a small laugh at his story, the image of the incident in his mind hilarious. Corey let out a small chuckle.

"What about windows?"

"What about them?"

"Do you keep any unlocked? Maybe we can give you a boost and get in that way," mentioned Billy.

Colby shrugged. "It's the best option. I'm not sure if they locked it, though. I never did but they might have if they really wanted to keep me out," he explained.

"It's worth a shot. If it doesn't work out we'll figure something out on the spot. We can head over to Colby's right after school," said Billy.

Corey quietly nodding, agreeing to the idea with a small hum. Colby broke into a wide smile, excited for this plan to hopefully work out and get him some of his things.

He wasn't mad at his parents. He tries not to blame himself, Brennen constantly assuring him that it's their homophobia and not him but it was hard for him to accept that. Despite that though, he couldn't bring himself to hate his parents or hold a grudge. A part of him wishes he could, wishing he was angry at them for treating him this way but he wasn't.

He missed them despite how cold they could be, despite how they yelled at him for things that weren't his fault. He wonders if they ever think about him and consider calling, to ask him to return home. He was sad that this happened, sad that they felt this way. Sad that they hated him.

Colby ignored the small pain in his chest, trying to think of different things and not his parents. He didn't want to be sad today, he didn't want to be a burden. He doesn't want to worry anyone or have them focusing on him. He didn't like being the center of attention, how they all focused solely on him and his wellbeing. He didn't want the friendships to revolve around him because it wasn't just him going through things.

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