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author's pov:

Living with the Taylor family was very different than when he lived at home. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss being at home but he couldn't deny how nice it was to live with the Taylors. Everything was different but open and loving and Colby never once felt like he was drowning.

Colby was feeling a little better but despite how nice it was to be staying with Brennen and his wonderful family, Colby was still sad over what went down and how his parents could just throw him away like that. He wonders if his parents ever even cared about him, if they ever loved him for him and not just because they were forced to.

He catches himself checking his phone more often, a part of him hoping to see a message from his parents about returning home and apologizing to him, a message pertaining how they were wrong and they still love him. It was stupid but could you blame him?

Whenever his phone would ring he would quickly answer it, his voice filled with hope until he'd hear the voice on the other line, disappointment filling when realizing it wasn't his parents and probably won't ever be.

And although it's only been two days, he missed being at home, missed seeing the dogs and resting on his bed, missed wearing his own clothes. He loved living with Brennen and absolutely loved his family but he was still so hurt from what happened, recovering slowly.

He tried to hide it, tried to cover up his sadness but it wasn't really working, his mask constantly slipping, finding it increasingly hard to fake a smile. He didn't have much energy these days, wanting to stay in bed and forget about life. He wanted to feel less numb, less sad but that seemed impossible right now.

Tomorrow was Monday and Colby was expected at school, to learn and function as if nothing ever happened on the weekend. He doesn't know how he'll do it, how he'll manage to pull himself out of bed in the morning and drag himself to school, attend every class and take notes. Was he supposed to just deal with this on his own? To not only deal with the fact his parents kicked him out but also deal with the mean kids at school? To have David's squad taunt him every minute of his life?

It all seemed so pointless and worthless, unable to deal with how negative and downhill his life seemed. He hasn't even thought about college, forgetting that he applied and was expecting to hear responses soon. It was unlikely he'd find out anyways, if he were to get early acceptance it would be delivered to his home where he no longer resided.

Despite it all, Colby was pulling through. He was doing it for his friends, for Brennen. They always made sure he was okay and if he needed anything, ready to help him if need be. He was grateful for how amazing his friends were, for their love towards him and it helped to know there were people who genuinely cared about him.

Being with his friends help distract Colby, help him to temporarily forget the mess that was his life and have a few laughs and some good memories. He tried not to think about all the bad stuff happening, trying to think about the future and what it holds and how soon, all this bad stuff will be replaced with good positive things.

He remembers what Elton told him, how the bad shit in his life right now was temporary and that soon, he'll be better off than the people who made him miserable. That soon enough, everything will be looking up. He holds onto that thought that idea, holds on to it for dear life as it was the one thing besides his found family that was helping him pull through.

Colby still doesn't know who told his parents or how they found out and it's something that lingers in his mind every so often, thinking about how it was that his parents were able to find the account since they didn't even have instagram. It was weird and a little scary but he tries not to think about it since it'll just bring him down.

The New Kid // A Brolby FicWhere stories live. Discover now